S1 Pioneer Program | Updates

Behind the scenes 04 | my.sofi.dash - coming soon!

In case you missed our treehouse newsletter last week, we are so excited to be sharing access to my.sofi.dash later this week. We have had many feature requests for a way to view the overall picture of your journaling efforts - and this feature (along with a few more) has finally arrived!

The sofi dashboard will allow each Pioneer to access their sofi “score.” Here, a number between 1 and 100 is assigned based on the consistency of each individual’s journaling and spraying routine. The sofi score is how we communicate how consistent each Pioneer is in their journaling and spray behaviour, as this is the only way for us to establish the effectiveness of any plant. So consistency is key!

Once we can establish a high sofi score for a sufficient time, sofi will start to establish statistically significant insights on your sleep duration, sleep quality, and mood on the right hand side, along with details of your active formulation and last spray.

More details on the the sofi dashboard coming very soon, and on Friday a timeline of the first wave of 300 Pioneer Boxes will be confirmed. Our ambition remains for the shipping process to begin this month! Exciting stuff, indeed :slight_smile:

For now, please enjoy these photos of our formulations being bottled and prepared for you! (We find them hugely satisfying :)) Keep posted for further updates shortly.

Alex xx







yeah - looking so much forward to this experience!
You guys are doing a wonderful job keeping us posted and building excitement!


Indeed … with full transparency. Thank you. :slightly_smiling_face:


Looking forwards to this. X


Hi pippa welcome to the community :blush:


Hi Pippa … welcome to our community! :smiling_face:


I had the same problem, but a kind prrson told me you have to have a certain number of lrtters in the title don’t know how many but i think i had about 30 in the end.


Yaa so happy love updays and i got my sofi presents :gift: so happy


We had promised an update today and I hope what you will see and read will live up to the promise! We are absolutely delighted by the progress and extremely grateful to the efforts of our amazing product team across the many time zones. Some key headlines on the current delivery status of the S1 Pioneer box to you:

  • All components for the S1 Pioneer Box are manufactured, have been received in the UK, and are being prepared for final assembly. We are completing final quality assurance of all components over the weekend.

  • Following successful checks over the weekend final assembly will begin on Monday (Feb 14). Our product team will assemble the little sofi electronic brains, whilst checking for correct alignment of all other components, including final check on the switch activation, inserting the electronics assembly into the sofi stick housing, and topping it off with the top cap.

  • All assembled sofi sticks will be ready to ship to our sofi labs in Liverpool for final packing stage by the end of next week (Feb 18).

  • We have completed formulation work in parallel, have bottled these as you have seen earlier which means that by the 21st of Feb (in 10 days time) we will have the sofi sticks and the sofi formulations for the S1 Pioneer Program together at our sofi labs and we will begin packing.

  • We will ship all validated addresses of Pioneers in the week of the 21st of February which means it is our expectation that some Pioneers will begin their S1 Journey before the end of the month.

You have been an exceptionally supportive, caring and compassionate community to us during these final phases of development and we are so ever grateful to have you be the first to activate sofi. It has been the culmination of a lot of work and experience across multiple unrelated disciplines and industries and we love how this truly multi-versed team have worked to bring sofi to life.

A few pictures from these final manufacturing and preparation steps below. Thank you for being a part of this journey with us. :pray: xx

sofi sticks arriving from our manufacturing partner

sofi pump heads ready for assembly

last sofi stick head being drilled with 0.3mm accuracy to allow for LED light from each press to be seen

sofi switch activators laid out ready for machining in order to take 0.2mm off to match the switch on sofi electronics (it’s all very careful work at this stage)!

sofi stick aluminium body unpacked and ready for quality assurance

… and finally, first test assembly of the sofi stick components

Earlier this afternoon I received the first assembly … and here are some photos from that! Wishing you a wonderful weekend and of course, we can’t wait to get these to you as soon as possible! xo

… and you can see the tiny light tunnel for the sofi LED that turns on every time a press is registered by a Pioneer

Next update will be confirming that all sofi sticks have arrived to our sofi labs and are being prepared for shipment. KM xx


Ahhh marvelous. As always thanks for the update @Kaveh, im sure i speak for all of us pioneers when i say we’re excited to have it in our hands. But also you guys are doing great work :heart_eyes:


Great update Kaveh and very pleased to see how things are shaping up. I’m looking forward to receive my stick and have it in my pocket. In the other pocket I have my pebble, as a “lucky charm” that carry out with me everywhere I go :slight_smile:


That’s an awesome update and great to see the hard work by the team coming to fruition!
It’s been really enjoyable reading through this thread the past day or so.


Absolutely amazing @Kaveh and @ team Sofi!!!
This is fascinating for me - so I can’t really imagine how liberating and satisfying this must be for all of you that have worked on this for so long!
A huge congrats on achieving another milestone.
Hopefully, deliveries across the Seas will be quicker this time around - look forward to getting started with the Sofi-Stick.
Have a wonderful weekend and wishing all here in the Treehouse plenty of good quality sleep over the weekend.


I can’t wait for mine!!!


They look amazing, good work.


Thanks for the update looking forward to receiving my new device and forwarding the results. :grin::sleeping:


Ive been on nights (i figured im up most nights so may as wells get paid for it!!:joy:) so my sleep pattern has been all over (more than usual). Im hoping that this product will allow me to gain better quality sleep. Thanks sofi for being here for us sleepless creatures. Xx


I have great faith in your Sofi product and pray I will be one of the first 100 to be lucky enough to receive it as my doctor stopped my sleeping tablets as he said I have been taking them for too long. My daughter bought me a Fitbit watch for Xmas which clearly shows my dreadful sleep pattern, but I have been holding off showing this to my doctor in the hope that your product will be all I need. Thank you all for aiming to make this possible.


Hi kavah can I still participate in the pioneering if I am on prescribed medication


Welcome to the community here @horse. Various plants can have contraindications with various prescribed meds. So although all the plants we use are generally recognised as safe and have been used for thousands of years as part of human health it would always be sensible to check with your family doctor to ensure there are no unintended interactions between the natural plant-based medicines and the prescribed variety. We are creating a page that may be useful for you to share with your doctor which shows the known interaction with valerian. Let me know if you would like to see that. Also inviting our medical herbalist @pamelaspence who will have more sage words on the subject. :pray: