Stock of ashwagandha

Hi @alexwalkerjones Happy New Year, I hope 2024 is a good year for you, and for Sofi, ok, my new pod says its paired now, but it says I don’t have a capsule in it, ive tried everything, I’ve cleaned it, swapped the bottom off another pod, you name it I’ve tried it, I’ve just got it to pair, I have no idea how, I’ve been trying since your last message, I’ve tried everything that was recommended in the article you gave me, I’ve been frustrated with it for days, now its recognised the pod/stick, but says theres no capsule in it, I’ve even tried old capsules that I boxed up to return, I’ve tried all the pods from the passiflora from my 1st subscription and also the ashwagandha from my 2nd subscription and it still says no capsule. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated, as I’m seriously tempted to throw it at the wall.


Hi @MissTQ, I’m so sorry for our delay in getting back to you! It’s always nice to have a break for the holidays but one is never quite prepared for the workload upon return each New year :sweat_smile: :blush:

I was so sorry to hear about your lovely cats, and hope they are over the worst of it now!

Now, let’s see what we can do to solve your capsule problem :crossed_fingers: It’s very strange that none of your capsules are being recognised, and would lead me to believe that there may be some interference with the RFID sensor inside your sofi pod… tagging @Kirill here for his input also.

Do you happen to have an older generation of sofi pod that we could test out the same capsules in to confirm whether they are recognised? In order to pair a different pod with your phone, you may need to wait for your current one to lose charge.

I will ask our app team to look into whether or not any errors are registering on the system backend in the meantime. Worst case scenario, we may need to arrange for a collection and repair of your sofi pod in order to get to the bottom of this, as I can’t say we’ve seen it happen before. :pray: :technologist:

PS I have no news on chamomile just as of yet, but we’ll be sure to post an update in the treehouse as soon as we have news of its upcoming release!

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Hi @alexwalkerjones the cats are over the worst, but Miss is a worry, she will only eat roast chicken, she’s a wee thing, and lost a lot of weight, but she’s doing OK, just needs to eat some food that will build her up, that doesn’t upset her tummy. I don’t want her to have to go through that again, so important to get her poo firm, she’s very sweet, a gentle wee soul.

I am using one of the old Sofisticks and its working OK, when I remember to use it, I’m having problems sleeping, and don’t want to waste the passiflora, as I’m up in the night trying to feed Miss Tee. But the new stick wo t work, the old one does, I’m quite happy to keep using the old stick. I’ve tried everything with the new stick, apart from throwing it at the wall, though I was sorely tempted. I’ll just use one of the old sticks, as long as its logging, that’s all that matters.


Hi MissTQ. How are the cats doing now, its been a while since this last post that I read. I hope that they are doing much better. …and you too.


Hi MissTQ. If she will eat pumpkin puree, either alone, or in her wet food, that is a simple way to firm things up, and is good for cats. You can buy it canned in cat food stores, or buy it powdered (they sell it for dogs, diggity dog is one brand). Not the sweetened stuff used for pie fillings though! Hope that you found a solution by now.


Hi Cathy, sorry it’s been a while, yes, the cats are now back to their usual selves, I was worried about Miss Tee, but she’s been back to normal now, she’s a quiet cat, can be nervous, but after 3 tears she now let’s Steve pick her up!!! He no longer feels like holding her is like “juggling a bag of greased water”. She’s also got more confidence when Ghost Lee is beibg too rough, she now will let him know, and he’s over the kidney infection with mo long lasting effects. It was a stressful Christmas, one I wouldn’t wish to repeat and I’m now focused on my next treatment. I will in future have pet insurance, I gave always put £25 per cat, per month sway in a savings account, but that wiped it out, £5,000 between the 2!!! All because Miss had soft poo, and Ghost had been neutered, seems so small, that caused big problems. Miss has always been a cat that had soft poo and I was always cleaning her up, but now, she eats 1 and a half chicken thighs, roasted and 2 pouches of her normal cat food and that makes things better, as for Ghost, he’s a kitten, and a boy, he’s boisterous and always into something. He’s the only cat I’ve had that jumps up onto the kitchen worktops, TeeTee and Miss never bothered, TeeTee doesn’t think she can jump that high!! So I’m always telling g him to “get down from there”. I wouldn’t swap them for the world, and I never planned on having 3, but the universe had other ideas! I didn’t miss the way my hands and legs are coveted I scratches, I saw my gp the other say and he asked why my hands were scratched, Lord knows what he thought I’d been doing! I hope you’re OK, and your sleeps better. Thanks for asking about the cats


Hi MissTQ. Miss Tee is 3 years? or 3 months? You call her a kitten so I guess it is 3 months. So glad to hear all is well with your cats now! So you can focus on you now. I did have cats without insurance and then the last one had insurance. Its not always the great solution we think it will be. Insurance tends to find any way they can to deny things. Since my last cat had been insured from the get go, and had no problems initially, they could not deny, so instead it became a new differential diagnosis each time, which means a new deductible. Which in the end, still means a lot of money shelled out on my end, even when in reality, it is the same issue of vomiting from 10 years ago. Not to be negative, just to give you food for thought when you do decide to purchase insurance for your next one. Read the fine print carefully and consider all possibilities! Am still undecided whether to get it for my next cat. It really IS mostly helpful for big emergencies as you have discovered. And if you need it early in their life, ,then it IS worth it. My sleep is as always, up and down. Just have to stay positive and take it one day at a time.


I think it’s a double edged sword, insurance will try anything not to pay up, and as they know we will pay anything for our pets to be healthy its a licence got the vets to print money. Hope your sleep gets better, mines all over the place and a lot has to do with Ghost Lee being rough with Miss Tee, awful weather here today, wet, windy and cold


that is so true :disappointed_relieved: when you love them like family, you will do anything for them