What's in the 'surprises

Hi, Ive done my daily journaling for ten days on here and I have now sent of my info for the first little surprise. Im just wondering what comes in each one? And are they all free? Just seems too good 2 be true hahah. Another thing I’m slightly confused about is the seed balance… What is it lol. After ten days using sofi I’m loving it but still a bit confused. Thank you for anyone kind to help .


If you search sofi seeds in the treehouse here you will find information

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Hi @Ava333 - super excited to have you onboard!

Some really great questions that we hope to be answering soon with a cool new FAQ section in the treehouse! I’m teaming up with @Vincent for it, so keep an eye out when that’s ready!

Your sofi surprise is a small pebble! It sounds kind of funny and it is - but it’s our way of verifying that your pioneer pack will be able to make it to your front door, wherever that may be, as they are limited edition and very expensive to lose in the post!

sofi seeds are a brand new form of currency that we have just recently implemented with the new sofi app. In the coming months, they will be redeemable for discounts and formulations, etc in the sofi store - which we are working hard behind the scenes on now! Like all new currencies, we’re still tweaking the amounts, and the exchange rate, but we’re really really excited about them and, naturally, earning as many as you can is a good thing! :blush:

Last but not least - once your sofi surprise arrives, simply follow the steps in app to upload a photo as confirmation of address, and reserve your Pioneer Pack for shipment in our next available study/wave! x

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Ok, thanks for explaining was just a little confused haha