About to begin after a big delay!

Hey all my sofi-siblings! :grin:

I hope you’re all well!

So, I’ve been away for quite a while now. I work away from home during the week, travelling to Chichester on a Monday morning and returning home on a Friday evening, which meant I didn’t get my s3 pack til the weekend of the week it arrived and then forgot to bring the bag it was in away with me!
I then picked up a chest infection from a co-worker which knocked me for six and severely aggravated my asthma, meaning I’ve been off work and in a bad way for a good long while. :pensive:

Thankfully, I’m due to go back to work tomorrow though! So, I’ll be taking my S3 pack with me and finally getting started!! So excited!! :partying_face: After last nights awful experience of barely sleeping, tossing and turning and dropping in and out of consciousness a few times which left me feeling groggy :woozy_face:

I’ll be trying it for the first time tomorrow night, as I don’t want to risk it working too well and missing my alarm tomorrow morning!

So, I’m wondering;
• how have you guys been finding the Ashwaghanda?
• What’s been your experience of it?
• What do you think of the taste experience?
• Any tips on dealing the taste or just in general?
• I’m due to start on #2 to begin with, what do you guys think of it?
• Which flavour do you like the best?

Looking forward to hearing your answers! :grin:

All the love,
Ru x