Add in-app usage instructions

Hey everyone, it’s been a while :wave:

I’ve been using ashwagandha on and off these past few weeks in combination with my prescribed meds trying to find the sweet spot.

Then, at some point, I forgot what was the usage instructions (how many sprays daily) I should use and I couldn’t find those instructions in the app (maybe I overlooked it?).

Perhaps it would be relevante adding the suggested/recommended usage in the app to make things easier.

The app already knows what spray bottle I’m using so it should be fairly simple displaying instructions for that particular bottle :slight_smile:

What do you think?


Hi @rwillians - great to hear from you and thank you for the feedback!

We are in the process of implementing “smart recommendations” from sofi “herself” that will take the learnings of your experience with the plant over time, and begin to incorporate sprayings recommendations, personal to you. I’ll tag @enricovarano here should he wish to share more!

Currently, when trialling a new plant, we recommend starting off with 3 sprays in the evening and 3 just before bed, as this tends to be a good starting point for individual to feel affect within 10 days. This info will have been included on the printed instructions card inside your Pioneer Pack but we understand that can be easy to miss!

Of course, we are all so different, whether that’s in tolerance, metabolism, effect of the plant, or overall need, so the number and timing of sprays can and should be adjusted according to what works best for you.

Fingers crossed, sofi will be in our back pocket to help us out with that mathematically soon :blush:

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That’s awesome @alexwalkerjones, looking forward to it :blush:

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@alexwalkerjones thanks! Yes, we’re working hard on new app pages that will allow you to browse your journey(s) with sofi plants - and get recommendations. Coming soon…!