Has anyone managed to accumulate enough seeds to get their first product?
There aren’t yet any products to buy, so no-one has. This seed reward is a recent addition to the Sofi app for our use when Sofi has reached the point when they have a store where sprays etc. can be purchased.
Oh yes i see it now thank you very much x
We are all participating in journal, spray blends and sleep tracking as a Beta Tester… we are in a private of sorts, study group to help the team formulate, tweak and refine the processes and app.
Its all very exciting and eveyday youll learn something new about yoursrlf or this process
Hope you have a great time
Text edit button would be useful @alexwalkerjones
You CAN edit after posting. Just hit the pen symbol, carry on and then “save edit”
Nòooooooooooooo lol
My screen is so dark ive never noticed… Thankyou
So incredibly grateful to you @PocketminxUK and @drmudlark foe the huge amount of support you are providing here to our amazing pioneers coming on board … we are getting closer every day to bringing our sofi to first customer shipment and it’s all been made hugely possible by a lot of love and patience in this treehouse so thank you