Got the sofi pack through and am trying to use it. The spray is working but not showing up in the app. I have tried restarting the app and holding the pod down for a few seconds. It is the same with all 3 flavours. Is there any way of tracking manually so I don’t lose all the days? Is there anything else I can try because I’m getting frustrated now? Thanks
I suppose your bluetooth connection is OK?
Yeah I have the blue light and the app shows its connected just don’t get the green light and the sprays counted!
You may have to wait for the professionals. Sorry i dont know how to help you with that.
Does the app recognise what spray capsule you are using?
I cant really help but any info you can give will help the team solve your problem for you
I asked elsewhere about manual spraying as we used to be able to do that with the earlier non-rechargeable pods, but that isn’t an option now. I do feel your frustration and hope the spray count can be sorted for you soon
@Hezzy11 so orlssed you got your pack and @drmudlark grateful for the support … first thing we should make sure is that we have a connection that’s working between your sofi pod and app. Does your main screen recognise when you launch your app the formulation in your pod? Perhaps take a print screen and post here … we want to make sure the two are communicating … also adding @alexwalkerjones and @Kirill here. Would also be helpful to know the type of phone and the version of the sofi app that you’re running on your mobile … can’t wait to get you up and running @Hezzy11
Iam on version 3.2.7 I also uninstalled and reinstalled the app with no change. The app knows which formula I have in but won’t count the sprays. I have tried all three pods.
Tonight it has started flashing green and is struggling to connect to the app.
I am on android a OnePlus phone
Hi @Hezzy11 - thank you for posting about the issue you’re experiencing and that screenshot is a huge help!
Your sofi pod appears successfully paired and with charge, and so the issue is most likely to be hardware related (to the smart pod itself), which we are in the process of investigating
Please leave it with us and let us know if anything changes! Whether pressing down harder on the pod, or ensuring the app is open while spraying, or spraying while the pod is plugged in to charge makes any kind of difference whatsoever, etc
Many thanks @Hezzy11
Thank you for your help I really appreciate it. No change on this end and I have tried all your suggestions! Will persevere and hopefully it will magically work!
I’m having the same issue; recognises the pod and pod number, and when the pod is nearby but no sprays (save for three on installation randomly). Definitely a hardware issue.
Hi @kiraillona
Could you please try to make a spray, record the time you did that and let me know here? This way we’ll see if it’s a hardware/firmware/frontend issue. Well, at least we’ll get closer to understanding it
Also can you please check if the green light flashes on the pod when you spray?
I’d really appreciate you doing the same test if possible!
- Spraying and sharing the exact time when you sprayed here
- Checking if the green light flashes on the pod when spraying.
I understand that checking the light when spraying can be tricky so maybe it’s worth sacrificing one spray to spraying in the air or a cup
Okay so adding screenshots of when away from spray and when near spray (“connected” vs not). Just sacrificed a spray and it would appear the green light doesn’t come on at all.
Edit: spray was seconds after connected screenshot (6.56pm)
Done 2 sprays before and one after. The pod needed charging so tried the first spray unplugged and the second plugged in. Still no green light. No change at all. The pod won’t connect automatically and won’t connect whilst it is charging. Hope this helps.
No green light usually means hardware doesn’t send data at all. I’ll consult with our electronics/firmware engineer, we might need to collect your pods! Will keep you posted
@Kirill @Hezzy11 @kiraillona Have DM’d you both
19.58 and 3 sprays, it has registered 4 and yes green light. Looks not too bad tonight