App not updating

I have been using my pod and have Passiflora in it but my app says I have no sprays left yet there is loads left and my journey still says 0% complete.
Am I doing something wrong? The pod is paired with my app so I don’t know why it’s not updating :woman_shrugging:


Hi @ames1905,

Thanks for posting - it sounds like something peculiar is going on here, and love to get it solved so your journey can continue!

Could you please provide some screenshots, or a screen recording of your Home Screen as well as journey screen so that we may confirm that your pod is pairing, formulation is being recognised, etc and hopefully locate the precise issue? :pray:

In addition, does your spray count reset to 70/70 when a new capsule in inserted?

Look forward to hearing back from you and wishing you a Happy New Year!!

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So I changed the pod and it reset to 70 sprays no problem but when the Passiflora went back in it went to 0 again, I have attached screenshots of the Passiflora page, the journey page and also one when I changed the pod.

When I log onto the app my pod flashes to say it’s connected so not sure what to try.



@alexwalkerjones i have changed now to Ashwagandha and although its registering the sprays its not updating my journey like the Passiflora didnt.
The Passiflora states it couldnt give me any information about how it worked for me and looks like this is going the same way as the journey tab is still on 0% :weary:
I waited 8 months to get my pod and i love it but disappointed that it doesnt seem to be working correctly.
Is there anything you can suggest?



Hi @ames1905, thank you so much for the follow up. Our team is investigating as we speak, and it is super helpful to know that your journey progress (or lack there of) with ashwagandha is behaving the same.

I will push for us to get to the bottom of this by the end of the week! :pray: The good news is that your journaling and sleep/mood data are safe, and so we may be able to reverse engineer your journey progress for previous plants, so that you can access those results.

I hope to have an update for you soon, and thanks again for your patience in the meantime. xx

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Thank you for your reply, I will carry on as I am for now
