App updated when we got to a new day so I have been able to put last night in, but obviously not the night before. One but of feedback from my point of view, and I can see that to a minor extent it has been considered by your coders, the quality of sleep is not considered in a way I would feel gave scientifically usable information. There is the one very simple Amazing to Poor option, but nothing on why. Perhaps a similar device to the mood one is worth considering – I mention it because I will sleep for plenty of hours but wake every hour or so, or dream a lot, toss and turn, lots of reasons why I don’t sleep well although for a long time so in a way poor to amazing is less useful than I feel rested - I still feel tired and a reason would give a better picture, and indicate if people will try a product once or stick to using it. It isn’t hours of sleep that give us rest it is quality.
Sue this is really awesome feedback and very grateful for it … we decided to put forward two sofi emojis in the emotional dialler … one is called “tired” and the other “refreshed” … so we are giving an opportunity to journal those feelings from quality of sleep resulting in a rested or untested body and mind … have you been able to spot those two “sofiji”s in the dialler? Do you feel that does the job? Thx again for all the feedback! And wishing you a good night’s sleep! KM
This is a very good point! For this baseline study, we wanted to find a good balance between the number of questions and the amount of data we get.
I understand your point on little detail for input. That said, sleep input is a slider - every position of the slider between poor and amazing is a different data point. So if you feel like your sleep was ok/average - leave in the middle. If it was great - somewhere close to the right side etc
I hope this helps! We’ll make sure all data inputs have enough options/granularity though, thanks again for sharing.
Yes have found the two emojis in the emotional dialler. Obviously one cannot have too many or the dialler becomes too confusing and complicated. One thing I have found is that it depends when in the day I complete it as to how I feel. So if I do it as soon as I get up I may feel refreshed or anxious or annoyed depending on what work me, whereas if I complete it midday I may just feel as though things are as normal, nor necessarily boring but just existing (hope that makes sense). I think it must make it difficult to interpret data when people could be filling it in at any time of the day. Mine doesn’t seem to swap from yesterday to today until about lunchtime by which time my mood on waking which I guess is what you are after when discussing how well or how long one slept. I don’t know if this would be something that it was worth you trying to collect additionally. To be honest the questions are so few and so simple it can be hard to think you are getting much from the data at all. I get to the end each day and it always goes through my mind – is that it? – How do I feel, how long did I sleep, did I sleep well? Affected by so many things. If I were looking to buy a product I would not be content with having, feel better, sleep longer, sleep better, if I didn’t have potential causes for a particular day, causes long term, and whether I find it hard to get to sleep or hard to go back after waking in the night, or long term causes addressed. I realise this is only the first step you are looking at so maybe you plan to address why anyone would want to buy the product later.
Love the feedback and agree it can only improve if we begin to capture more data. As you suggest this is just the beginning. One thing we are looking at is to allow additional feedback for one day so people can journal throughout the day. And of course to ask other questions - we will broaden this to include free form feedback as well when we begin to ship the S1 Valerian Boxes in January. Right now this simple daily baseline allows us to prioritise Pioneers who are more consistent to be the first to receive the S1 boxes - and I hope you will be one of them! Thank you so much for the feedback and being a Pioneer with us. And of course, Merry Xmas to you and your family! KM
Hello @Kirill ,
I hope all is well?
Just wanted to report that the dialler for number of hours slept now doesn’t move at all on my phone (Android). It took a while before but now is not responding. It seems to coincide with the new update - but that might just be co-incidence.
Could you confirm your phone type and whether you have installed the latest sofi app @BrandNewMe … copying in @filipe here as well so he can see if he can spot what is happening with your device. Thx for all this feedback. Always super helpful! KM
We love android folks … they really stretch the product team. But seriously we love the fact that sofi is supporting Pioneers irrespective of device. It’s a huge lift and we are grateful to our app team (@filipe) but we didn’t want to favour one ecosystem to another. So please keep the feedback coming! KM
If I touch the dialer it’s not responding. But if I touched about a centimeter in from the I was able to adjust it with no problem. So maybe the sensor isn’t in the right spot on larger screens? I use a 10 inch android tablet.