Early success? Or just a “fluke”?

I’ve only been taking Sofi now for a short time and have just had 3 consecutive nights sleep!
I honestly don’t recall the last time I slept 3 nights in a row.
I really hope this is not just a “fluke” and I understand that there may be the whole placebo effect to consider but I just wondered if anyone has had a similar experience and whether the positive effects have lasted?
Thanks, Ben Higham


An interesting observation, Ben and one with which I empathise. After three nights on No2 sprays, I find my sleep, while no more than usual - about 5 hours’ - has been calm and not disturbed. Given that homeopathy usually takes longer to kick in than proprietary medicines, I’m certainly optimistic at this early stage.


Me too. Best of luck with it :+1:t3:

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Hi Andrew, Sofi sprays are herbal medicines (herbs in measurable amounts) which i have faith in compared to homeopathy in the true sense of that word, although there does seem to be some confusion about the term homeopathy in the literature.

My understanding of homeopathy is when the active substance is sooo diluted it barely exists and the water dilution supposedly holds a ‘memory’ of the diluted substance.
As a scientist this is pseudoscience to me and bunkum, although i have read anecdotal accounts of animals benefitting from homeopathic remedies, so presumably not a placebo effect. Maybe a happy co-incidence that they got better.

Perhaps adding to the confusion i believe that some treatments / remedies that are called homeopathic do actually contain some active ingredients.

Re the ‘memory’ effect in remedies that are so diluted none or virtually none of the original substance remains, i used to wonder about drinking tap water that is recycled through many people. ‘Supposedly’ 7 -10 people in the London area who drink water that comes out of the artesian basin!
And water wherever it comes from is recycled.
What ‘memories’ of substances are people ingesting?!!

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Sue, I stand (partially!) corrected, such as when doing the hoovering, as distinct from the vacuuming! Some years ago, I suddenly found myself suffering from arrhythmia. Rather than worry my G.P., I visited a local Chinese practitioner who prescribed a tree to drink (that’s my version, anyway) and although the smell and taste were disgusting, two days later and I was pumping strongly and regularly. Perhaps we can agree on the term alternative therapies? Bless you.


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Yes, of course. I too have tried Chinese herbs many years ago, i was handed a large bag of mixed chinese plants to make tea with and it tasted so vile (way more horrible than a quick Sofi spray!) that i could never face making and drinking a whole cup of the stuff and i threw the bag away in the end! It may well have worked (and i cant remember what i hoped it would cure) but i never found out!

I’m sorry i brought up homeopathy, and it wasn’t meant as a criticism. I am quite confused myself about its meaning these days as it seems to be used for various remedies including those with active ingredients, which i didn’t think fell in the same category.

I am curious to know what herbalists like Pamela who uses actual herbs think about homeopathic remedies as in their original definition, i.e. diluted to the point of barely being there.

There may well be pioneers here who use homeopathic medicine of the above type, and although i am sceptical that water holds a memory of a substance, I am always curious to know if people feel it has helped them.

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