FEATURE REQUEST: Sync with Trackers

I wasn’t sure where to plug this in so feel free to move it elsewhere.

Since you have journaling on the app, why not enable it to sync with trackers (i.e Fitbit) that track your sleep? That way you’d have the whole picture, not just what we’re journaling.


Love this comment. For the next sprint we would love to hand shake with Apple Health and Google Fit to get a broader picture. What do you think? Should we prioritise this? KM


Before responding I’ll need to install Google Fit on my tablet (had to uninstall it from my phone as something’s eating up the space). I want to to see what sleep data shows up there vs the FitBit app.

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That would be fantastic! I’m eager to learn how to improve my ‘Deep restorative sleep’ as I get very little according to Google fit on my watch4 , :crossed_fingers::grin:


I was wondering the same… I have been tracking sleep in AutoSleep with my Apple Watch for a couple years now - would be great just to give permissions in Apple Health to handshake with Sofi :slightly_smiling_face:


That would be amazing. Let us know if you think it’s any good and we will definitely see if we should prioritise this piece of development in our next development sprint! Happy Wednesday and hope you managed some decent sleep! KM

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I totally agree K! I am copying the sofi talent on product and statistical science to take note! Thank you so much for that feedback. I think fair to say definitely on the next sprint! @filipe @Kirill @enricovarano lets start thinking about this!

One question K, do you know how accurate the data is and how consistent the data is (ie every night, couple of nights a week, intermittent)? KM

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GoogleFit on my tablet isn’t picking up sleep from FitBit on my phone. I don’t know if I need to install the FitBit app on my tablet for this to work.

I know that the data is very accurate with Apple Watch (or Fitbit?) series 5 and series 7 as those are the ones I’ve used. I’ve linked my Apple Health to my Kaiser (healthcare) medical account and my doctor is able to read data. I have had sleep disorder with parasomnia all my life. I was also diagnosed with sleep apnea but because it was neurological I was taken off of the CPAP. However, after another sleep study (in lab) I was placed back on. It is a higher end Respironics machine that also uses wireless technology to send data to doc… I took myself off of the CPAP However and purchased the AutoSleep app and my first Apple Watch (5) before the pandemic. To see if the data collected from Apple Watch/AutoSleep was accurate I compared to the data from respironics cpap and it was same but even more detailed. I stopped using CPAP altogether and have upgraded to Series 7 Apple Watch with SPO2 sleep measurement capability-also collected in AutoSleep app. So, yes, very I feel it’s accurate and super helpful to document.

As for consistency, I use it every night. I do have to Apple Watch set up Apple Watch in sleep mode in order to get SPO2 readings but otherwise AutoSleep automatically knows when I fall asleep and if I tap “lights out” it can measure how long it takes - all based on the heart rate, respiration, sound/noise data and gyroscope in Apple Watch. Belie is a screenshot of some of the data collected:


Yes, I would think you would need to install on your tablet so it could “talk” to your Fitbit. Personally I use Apple but hardware devices need to have the software to communicate with one another💞


FitBit doesn’t sync with Google Fit on it’s own. I found an intermediary app that does this so now Google Fit shows my sleep. Everything’s set up on my end for the handshake.


Just looking through some messages and as always super grateful @kaneary at the amazing detail here … @Kirill for next sprint we really need to build the apple health and google fit handshake as a priority - I am sure will make a tonne of difference for the sofi brain that @enricovarano is working on. Thank you for all this detail here again Kelly! :pray: