Been wide awake since 2am not able to get back to sleep. Been dealing with my husband’s depression & anxiety for 2 years now, last 2 weeks he has developed severe pain in his joints gp has just say to take Codeine which isn’t helping and to have a blood test done wait time 2 weeks. He is rolling around in bed asking for more painkillers, I feel so alone dealing with all this, I had a visual migraine on Friday & another one Saturday, have been given beta blockers as I’ve had irregular heart beat since feb,still getting it especially at night, don’t know why I’m writing this, just hoping if I do it will help me to feel stronger to deal with all this. The last thing I want to do is go on antidepressants myself.
hey @grannysue269 - it looks like you have been dealing with heavy issues recently.
Thank you for the courage to share them with us in the treehouse! Of course, it is much easier to manage difficult times when you are able to talk about it.
You are definitely already pretty strong for keeping it up and sharing your worries here:) I hope you are able to find comforting and supporting activities for yourself, some small things that brighten up your day and make you feel better.
Sorry you’ve been dealt alot lately, Hopefully even just writing it out has made you feel slightly better, but I’m sure I speak for everyone when I say if you ever need to talk , feel free to chat away or message me We are one big supportive family
is there any hobbies or activities as @Marina said that you can do to just put a bit of sunshine on your day ?
Thanks for your kind reply’s, my husband managed to see another gp today & has been diagnosed with Polymyalgia so will be on steroids for some time, hopefully they will help with the inflammation and pain he has.
I go to the Buddhist centre on a Saturday for the meditation, it has helped me keep strong to deal with my husbands poor health, things always seem so much worse when your lying awake in the middle of the night, on my first pod of passiflora so it will help.
Hope things are improving