Hi everyone. I cant seem to open my sofi app to log my journal. The app just keeps shutting down. Anyone else having this probllem?
@jaxlou1982 just uninstalled and reinstalled and it’s working again
Thankyou, i will try that
I have had this problem also .so uninstall ed it and then reinstalled it now working
Great to hear you’ve got it working again
Thx so much guys we had an app update push which was a little bit more frisky than usual today … so my app started flicking like crazy … I didn’t have to install / reinstall … the team @filipe reinstated the app super fast so I went from a flicking screen to being back up and running … but no reinstall required for me …
When sofi app went frisky:
And once again sofi service is resumed:
And @wallis1 so lovely to see you in the treehouse! Very grateful to have you on this journey with us … with all bumps along the way!
Off topic but I really like the colour of no3 when in use on your app there
I deleted and reinstalled. Worked once for me and now back down. Anything you think i can try? Thanks
We spoke to soon.i did.it won’t acknowledge when I spray .tried everything including new battery.i am going batty trying to sort it put
My app just decided to stop again, but got it working but it took a couple of tries to pair the stick again
Mine struggled to pair again also, but it did in the end. Just the whole app that wont work now teething problems i guess
The android app should be back up … let me know if it is all working on your sides guys. We pushed out an upgrade that turned out to be too frisky for our smartphones but @filipe had managed to reset to our previous builds … let me know if everyone is back up
Fast work guys!!! Its not chucking me out now, but its not registering my pod for some reason. Have tried taking it out and reinserting it but to no avail. Have you got any advice please? Ive just taken it as normal but it wont register obviously. Thanks team, you are awesome!!
Hi @jaxlou1982! Is your sofi stick still definitely paired, with the green light coming? It might be worth taking the brain out to check whether or not your battery still has any juice.
Let me know if it seems to be working for you any better this morning or if the green light comes on and you’re still stuck!
Its back up and running. Thankyou for your help