I Love my spray!

I am loving the scent of my spray, and using it about 6 times a day, even though the sprays are not registering in app. I even distinctly recognized my house as smelling like it when returning home from the beach this evening. I LOVED the smell and was happy to come home to it! I would spray it in my car, too, but I don’t want to override the lingering new car smell


This is so great to hear @Erica - which number capsule are you on out of curiosity? Scent is so deeply intertwined with memory and emotion inside the brain, so it’s always cool to see what moods are encouraged, whether it’s focus or just extra comfort when returning home!

It would also be good to figure out why your sprays aren’t being tracked within the app, as this is key in order for sofi to understand your spraying and make vital observations on the effect of the plants on your mood, sleep - and focus! - above everything else!

Are you able to confirm that the pod is paired with app, and open while spraying? This way, by watching the spray count reduce with every press, it’s easier to ensure that no data is being accidentally missed! :blush: :pray:


I just have one question, are you spraying it in your mouth like you’re supposed to with 3 sprays or are you spraying it in the air?


You spray the herb sprays (black pod) into your mouth.
You spray the fragrance sprays (white pod) into the air, or on surfaces, or on yourself but NOT in your mouth


I don’t have fragrance sprays. Just the oral sprays. Don’t have a white pod.


I have sent screen shots a number of times now, to a few different people. The pod is not connecting unless held DIRECTLY against the phone. Even when it connects it does not register any sprays. Not one. Even if connected while I spray. I am supposed to start the second spray after today, my pause day. I am getting frustrated. Can someone email me directly


I was on my first spray this week. It is not the oral spray, it is the fragrance mister. I am now on my pause day. Tomorrow I begin spray number n.03. I will log the time of day of each spray if the pod continues to not connect. I inserted the pod and the screen shows n. 03, however it did the same thing with spray n.01 but didn’t register any sprays. I can see tomorrow if they register.

The pod is fully charged.
I have sent the screen shots multiple times.
I have allowed all permissions.

I have not heard back about what else I can do.


Thank you kindly @Erica,

The issue you are experiencing is particular complex, and not one we have seen before, so there are many things to check and really grateful for you patience.

We are still in the development and testing phase of our product / service, so please consider yourself a beta-tester and rest assured that your continued efforts are directly helping us to shape and improve the function of our beloved smart pods. :pray:

Could you let me know whether pressing down any harder triggers a green light to appear at all? Or does the green light appear normally for you? and last but not least, does there seem to be anything blocking the safety switch on the back (little slider with a red dot), or are you able to move these freely? This way we can rule out a mechanical issue over something internal.

I look forward to hearing back and thank you again for your persistence here.

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I was concerned at first because I don’t have the oral sprays, so once I read the first comment about them I was worried I was supposed to spray these in my mouth. Thankfully I kept reading! While they smell amazing, I’m not sure how they would taste! :joy:


I was not aware that there were two kinds, a fragrance mister and an oral spray. I have the oral spray.


On my 3rd and last spray. Love the smell is so refreshing!!

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