Just a quick post

Hi everyone, just a quick post to let everyone know that I’m still alive and kicking, I’ve not been journaling or using my pods, I don’t need them at the moment as the chemo is knocking me out so much, different lot this time, not coping so well with this lot as I did with the folfox, my apologies, but I will start again when this is over. All good signs at the moment, so fingers crossed it’ll be the last lot, we shall see. Sickness, tiredness, pain in my hands and feet, especially when I forget to put gloves on before I get something out of the fridge, and I’m so sensitive sometimes that when I put a fleece over me its very uncomfortable. I will be back, @alexwalkerjones my subscription is still coming through, though I do have a lot of them now!! But at least its there when I need it.


Sorry to hear you’re struggling with this one MissTQ. But I’m glad to hear the signs at least are good! Hang in there <3

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Thanks @vincent, all good signs from my scans, but 2 weeks ago I had a strange dizzy do when getting out of the bath, lost peripheral vision in my left eye, spoke with my Dr, and I was sent to my local A&E, after sitting around for 5 hours, I eventually saw a Dr who said I needed a ct scan. Sat for another 3 hours before the scan, by this time, it was middle of the night, I was directed to a “comfy” chair, is there such a thing? told I needed a MRI scan, which wouldn’t be done until the day shift came on. I wanted to go hone as everything was ok again, vision was back. But I was told I needed I one, so at 1.30pm I had the scan, was told results in an hour, then at 4pm I was told I needed to be admitted to a ward, I said no, not just because I wanted my bed, I’d been in A&E for over 29 hours by this time and most of it sitting in a chair and keeping the lady next to, who had alzheimers, under control, she was being loud as people were trying to sleep on a few chairs, some on the floor, so I wasn’t in a great mood. I just wanted to come home and sleep, I said I’d sit in the waiting room, but the nurse said if i wasnt transferred to a ward then they’d be fined, by whom I don’t know, maybe someone on here knows why, I only needed scan results, and as I’ve been having migraines I think it was just a bad one, I said I’d go home they could phone the results to me, no, that wasn’t an option because if I wanted the results, and if I’d left the hospital, to get the results would nean mean coming back to A&E and start the whole process again!!! I went to a wqrd, where even thouh the bed was so inviting I refused to get into it, i was not staying in. So after an hour, and a cup of tea that was drinkable, ibgotvthe results, it looks as if I had a TIA, a mini stroke, ibwas given some blood thinning tablets and was told that Stepping Hill, which is a horrible drive to it, would be looking at the images the next day at there weekly MDT meeting, and they’d phone me. Didn’t hear from them, and as it was Friday there was no one to speak to, sonon minday i put a dra form in to ask if they could chase it up, they gave me a phone numver, thatvrang then cut me off, no answer phone, so Wednesday I out another form in, and got a text from the Dr to say that my images, or details hadn’t been sent over, then a few hours later a call from hospital with an appt for the 27th, still no wiser as to if I’ve had a TIA or not. The NHS system is ridiculous, and onky just before Christmas they closed the stroke clinic at my local hospital, and stroke ward!! Its bad enough that ny GP practice hwve now told us that we can only ring the surgery for for urgent same day appts, other than that we have to fill in a form and then itll be triaged by a dr, who will either call you, mske an appt for you, or tell youbto get lost. If you call the surgery askibg to make abroutine qppt, they say you have to fill a form in, and if need be they will fill in the form for you, if you don’t have internet or can’t fill the form in for whatever reason. So, I may have had a mini stroke, its certainly not plain sailing and worryingbis not good for the blood pressure. My apologises for not being around so much, atbleast itll spare people from reading my long waffling posts. My subscription is still going, so that if need be i can use it. But on the odd occasion I have used it, its not been connected, so hasn’t logged. I’ll be able to usevutvwhen all of this is sorted and back to being an insomniac