Just to say hi and hope all is well

Hi everyone :smiling_face: hope everybody is well im new been doing journal’s for 6 day now really love :heart: it. I hope i can get things sorted for me and everyone else


Welcome, were a friendly bunch here in the treehouse, and its also great to have a look at whats going in re the next waves of sofi plants, wnd to the new sofi scent, thats a lottery, no one knows whose going to be lucky enough to test that, but the sofi teqm thats triesd it says its good, the first scent will be focus, could do with a bucketful myself :grinning: as could lots of others im sure. Do keep journaling, and remember to send your address details when youve done your 10 days of baselines, then you get your sofi surprise, which is sent to make sure the sofi stick and pods will get to you, i hope you as much as it has me, some better than others, pwssiflora was great, as is ashwagandha, seems to get me to sleep quicker. Valerian, I’m unsure still if thats a help or not, and i believe hops is the next one. Youll find lots of info in the treehouse, and lost of people chatting about all sorts, but mostly sleep, or lack of it. I hope sofi becones a part of your rountine for better sleep. Take care


Very warm welcome to sofi community - glad that you have joined! We are going to have a great experience- see you soon @Kestle !! :blush:


Hope you are doing well @MissTQ!! Glad to see you. :blush:


Hi @pira I’m coping, ashwagandha seems to help me to drop off to sleep sooner, its staying asleep that I have problems with!! Most people who are going through chemo seem to sleep a lit, so my oncologist said, i must be one of the few that don’t aleep so well, but i will continue to fight. I hope your sleep iw better, and that ashwagandha is helping you. Take care


I pray and send out positive energy for you to heal soon - just fight a bit more @MissTQ! talk to you soon. :slight_smile:


I have lots of fight left in me, thanks for checking in with me.


You, @MissTQ, are among the brave community members who I am sure are inspiring many of us, including myself. Take care, and I look forward to hearing from you. :blush: :pray:


That you @pira, I do my best, I had a rough night last night, nausea and restless legs, but I take one day at a time, it’s all I can do, and each day is a gift, there are many other people who are worse off than myself, so I count my blessing it was found and had the ops, seems so long ago, but I was diagnosed in June last year, and spent most of October in and out of the hospital after the 1st op, the subsequent hospital stay 3 days after I had the op was not something planned, as if cancer can be planned!!! Then home after a weeks stay, the 4 days later had to have the emergency op as the blood supply to my colon died off and needed a long op and stoma was put in. Which I hate with a passion, but it saved my life, and can be reversed when I’m cancer free and strong enough for the op. I have been given a 2nd chance, and I will fight for that every day. Thank you for your kindness and support, it means a lit, there are a lot of pioneers out there who have given messages of support, and I thank them all. Sleep is the body’s way of healing, whether it be physical or mental, and I’ve found that passiflora and ashwagandha have helped me a great deal, and I’ve also been using some valerian I had left, and I’m sure that it’s helping me too, so I will keep on until I have non left, hopefully the waves of valerian and passiflora will come along soon to bridge the gap before the chamomile is out. Take care, I hope you are sleeping better, and I hope you’re in good physical health and mental too. If you ever need to chat, just message and I’ll reply.