What’s going to happen after we finish our box? Are we all going back to being sleepless and restless? I feel like sofi is really helping me rest and sleep. So I want sofi in my life forever
Let’s hope it doesn’t just stop
It’s so good that we are feeling better the power of plants are definitely having the desired effect
So impressed with sofi. I have stopped overthinking everything. What feels fantastic. Makes me do stupid things like sitting on a young horse that’s never had a person sit on her . without anyone holding her. But hey I feel great
We have a few choices with the Pioneer Program for existing Pioneers … one is to ship new formulations of the next plants to existing pioneer base. All the plants we are considering impact different pathways of sleeplessness so the active pioneers can participate on new plants. We are hoping to share with the pioneers the plant formulation roadmap for the next 12 months in the next two weeks. It’s super interesting element of sofi in that we can’t simply decide which plant and when because we are also controlled by when the harvest for these plants are. The other choice in between introducing new plants is to short list the most successful formulation that is loved by most pioneers and to provide additional formulations to active pioneers. Our ambition is that the program should continue to support pioneers that continue to be engaged with sofi … what do you guys think @sonja.ekkers.77, @chris.king5? We could of course begin to start tagging your sheep with AirTags and begin the secret lives of sheep sleep retreat! xx
I’m all in trying anything. I’m a sofi believer and would love to keep doing this, as it gives me a insight outside the farm
I need everyone to keep there crossed for Mr simpleton he got stuck during birth and I managed to get him out but he has a bit of brain damage that hopefully will recover. He is improving and can feed on his own now:hugs:
Fingers x’ed for Mr S … may the “S” be for snuggly or sexy rather than simple … but even if he is your own Forest Gump may he have a happy life … thinking of the little four legged xx
I’m definitely interested this is helping me after a lifetime of no sleep bring it on Sofi can’t wait for the next stage
Forest gump that that will be his new name
it’s such a cute name!
Fingers crossed!
Come on little guy! You can do it!
I love that idea and plan!
I just started my journey with the spray and within a few days I have already noticed much better sleep. Falling asleep faster without the worrying thoughts, no waking up at night and having trouble getting back to sleep, and more quality deep sleep according to my Fitbit. I wake up feeling better.
Love the plant power of Sofi so far!
Sending prayers!
This is incredible @Sky snd so very grateful that you are on this journey with us … the idea that sofi is already beginning to have a positive impact as we try to figure out how to keep her running in this S1 program is just awesome xx
Ya that sounds great and i honestly dont mind as i actually love this sofi journey and especially the fact that its going to work i no ut will its just a matter of finding out what plant is working for so.e people a d whats not im definitely up for this as u also love my new tree house family also omg u guys sofi are just amazing to give all u can to help people like us in tree house to be able to find some peace in knowing that we will find out whats wat an sofi will help sooo many people to relax and sleep
and im honoured to be apart of tat journey so im good annin for testing what ever
I’ll do anything to be able to have a good night’s sleep and feel refreshed in the morning after waking up so yes please i. All in thanks sofi team
I couldn’t agree more! The sofi crew go above and beyond. Absolutely fantastic team!
The tree house community is fantastic. So friendly, chill and positive. Massive amounts of energy in here.
I was super nervous of joining and having to communicate with strangers but I can honestly say I feel right at home here with everyone.
And on top of that I’ve found a product that’s actually helped me with my sleep!
Only downside is I’ve reminded my body how good unbroken full night’s sleep is and it wants more
Sleep is addictive ,
It really is
When my sleep was bad I got so used to it that I didn’t notice how tired I was. It’s weird how that happens
Tired becomes the normal. But not anymore
Passiflora worker better thwn vwlerian, I’m looking forward to the ashwagandha, this is a great trial and I’m excited to be along for the journey, cant thank you people enough.