Last week I received another email saying that I should be expecting towards the end of November 2023 my very first Delivery of the Pod and 3 flower sprays

I desperately hope that it arrives as I’ve been promised this before… I’ve been journalling and posting here for the 9th month and I was starting to wonder when or if I’d ever get the opportunity to try. I was told by the hospital 3 years ago that I was an insomniac induced by PTST trauma still prevents me from sleeping and I’ve tried most methods on the market from prescription to holistic and treatments such as ICBT and EMDR. I’m keeping everything crossed for a delivery to see if sofi will work


Hi @Eagleeyes3 - thanks for your message!

I am sorry to hear about your sleep struggles. Thank you for being open about your story - I am sure a lot of Pioneers can relate to it and find comfort in it. I truly hope sofi will make a difference for you! :pray: :green_heart:

We are also super grateful for your patience with journaling and posting on treehouse. We hope it has been of help to you just as much as your activity has been of help to us. If you kept journaling consistently (for 30 days) after receiving the email explaining the 2 waves of shipment, then there is nothing to worry abour and your sofi pack should be with you quite soon! :sofi_moon: