May i have a new sofi stick

Morning All :heart: & @alexwalkerjones @Kaveh…Hope everyone is well.

Just came back from our holibobs last night just a weekend away!

Is it possible to have a new Sofi stick as i still can’t pair mine up ??

Thank you

Mandy xx :kissing_heart: :two_hearts:


Morning @mandy.lodge91 and welcome back! I hope it was wonderful getaway and some place slightly warmer than London right now!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :cloud: :cold_face:

I’ve reached out to Barry so we can ship you a replacement for sofi stick trigger that must have fallen out somewhere along the journey of your Pioneer Box! And that should be with you very soon.

Unfortunately, there’s no guarantee that a new stick would make a difference, as the pairing is more likely a technical problem within the app. Did you have any luck connecting to a tablet at all, and could you also check for me that your location services are switched on for the sofi app within the settings section of your phone?

Very keen to get you up and running and to have you paired in time for the arrival of that missing piece :heavy_heart_exclamation: :pray: and always happy to jump on a zoom!