Hi all has anyone had this
problem.changed battery as stick not connecting to phone.still not connecting after battery change.so took spray out and top of spray got stuck in the stick.just the spray top.
Hopefully @alexwalkerjones can assist?
Evening @malone.shelley let’s try a few things …
- is your blue tooth on your mobile?
- if you press the sofi stick without a formulation in it, do you see a green light?
- if you don’t see a green light can you check whether you have the battery the correct orientation in the sofi stick … see if this image helps …
ps on the mechanical issue of getting the spray cap stuck in the top of the sofi stick … just take out the top cap, remove the electronics and you should be able to look down into the sofi stick and see the top of the cap … now here is the technical part … get a chop stick - put it in and simply tap on a table till the spray head from the sofi capsule dislodges … if this doesn’t work let me know and I will jump on a zoom and try to help! xx
Hi is any body else having trouble with there sofi stick registering tje pods it dome ut the 1st day now i cant get it to work its so frustrating i stayed up all last night trying to fix it
an now again
tonight im not giving up on this if it kills me love to no is anyone else having the same problem please
@sabrinahun would you like us to arrange a time on zoom when we can walk together through the steps to bring your sofi stick back to life … also adding @alexwalkerjones so between us we will find the first available slot that works for you and make sure you are back up and running!
Yes please that wpuld be appreciated. I think iv messed it up.im so sorry
Not in the least @malone.shelley we will get it fixed! what times are good for you today to join a quick zoom with either @alexwalkerjones or myself?
Any chance we could do tomorrow after 1pm
@malone.shelley - Tomorrow after 1pm works for me! I’ll send over an email with a scheduled zoom link if that works for you! Shall we say 1:30 or 2pm?
1:30 will be perfect
Hi ut sets up wen ut wants to but instead of a green light mine is blue so im just thinking maybe a faulty battery
im going to get a new battery tomorrow and see how that goes i got it going roday qith the pink 1 but again i got number 2 back in yjr light was blue again instead of green so im hopeful
its just that as i had no problem the xirst day with it and every time i yake the pod an battery out its seems ro be okay for fee mins whwn u take the brain out an press it the light will be green then straight to blue so im assuming its just a battery thing so i will let u no tomorrow wen i change my battery
1 more thing wen i spray it 3 its not showing 3 sprays its just showing i used it
thanks for getting back to me
I used this 1 today by mistake wen trying to figure out whats wrong with it but i have 2 back in it now
The blue light means that the sofi stick is pairing with your phone @sabrinahun … the green light means that your sofi stick has counted a press. If you are seeing blue light it means you have sufficient battery on board xx
Hi i finally figured out what the problem was for some reason it was in my apartment but wenni stood outside having a coffee and tried it i had no problems whats so ever ut registering the sprays an all so now i no all i have to do is take my spry at the door b4 going ro bed which i dontimd at all im just so happy i figured
it out now i can relax because it was really bugging me so im glad now i new it was something silly an just a matter of figuring it out so all good now thankfully
That’s an incredible solution and mystery @sabrinahun ! How the location is impacting your connection … wonder if there is some unusual interference indoors with the Bluetooth signals … either way @alexwalkerjones and I are following your progress with great interest so let us know how you getting on xx