Has anyone experienced nausea
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from usung the valerian pods? I have gotten nauseated within a half hour or so each time I used valerian, even when doing just one spray.
Has anyone experienced nausea
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from usung the valerian pods? I have gotten nauseated within a half hour or so each time I used valerian, even when doing just one spray.
It was headaches for me… mild headaches, but it was a small price to pay to get some sleep… lowered my dose, and im not too bad now… also I stopped using it for a few days in beginning to see if that helped. But i think lowering my dose helped me if i do more than 3 sprays my head starts to hurt.
Sorry you’ve not had a good reaction with the valerian its not nice feeling sick @kteach99 i never had a problem when i had mine x
Perhaps, ask @pamelaspence for her experience and opinion on this.
A quick note to @alexwalkerjones.
I’m so sorry to hear this. It’s an unusual reaction to jave to valerian but obviously your body isn’t happy in some way! Do you have a similar reaction to any toher foods or medicines? If you do we can make sure the flavouring etc. doesn’t contain anything that is problematic for you.
A couple of things I could suggest - firstly you can lower your dose, right down, starting with just one spray and then work up by one per day to find your tolerance level. Secondly adjust the timing so that you take it after food - so you csn try it after your evening meal, for example.
I hope that helps - keep us posted!
Thanks for the tag!
For me its coughing and burping. After each spray. And i have noticed if i take the full 6 sprays i dont fall asleep at all. I can only tolerate 3 and with those i havent seen any beneficial effects that i am aware of yet.
Taking just one spray causes nausea too. And taking it right after dinner did not help. Yes, medicines often nauseate me, even with food. My stomach is currently very sensitive and my digestion is bad due to severe anxiety. I was really hoping valerian would help.
Hello there,
Apologies for the delay - I’ve been moving house! Normal service is just about to be resumed!
I’m sorry to hear that the valerian hasn’t agreed with you. It is quite a difficult herb in that it is has a very strong taste and smell so that probably didn’t help.
Hopefully you’ll be better able to tolerate one of the other plants in the pipeline.
Can you tell us what other plants are in the pipeline, other than ashwagandha?
Let me just check with @alexwalkerjones about that
As we are working with all natural plants, factors such as harvest time, potency, and supplier availability all come into play when determining our lineup of plants - but I can absolutely share with you a little bit about what to expect this year!
Unlike the two plants we activated in 2022, we are making significant progress in reducing the time between programs, with plans to launch five additional plants this year - beginning with hops.
(Over to @pamelaspence for why hops is our next go-to plant! )
We are also planning to test five new emotions within our functional fragrances range, which, although slightly different than our ingestible remedies for calm and sleep, we are incredibly excited to be pioneering.
Thanks Alex!
I’ll keep it short and sweet on hops for now as it is a little way down the line. But it is another herb that medical herbalists traditionally use to support sleep and also anxiety. It is of course famous for being the base of many beers these days (we made beer from many more plants in the past) - so think about that soporific, floaty, relaxed feeling that hoppy ale can bring you. But of course we are doing this without the alcohol content.
It is a wonderfully soothing plant, used since ancient times and well tolerated. It also has a beneficial effect on the digestion, and it contains some phytoestrogens so may even help women going through menopause and the disturbed sleep that often occurs at that time.
There are many stories of hop-pickers, who were transient workers, falling asleep in hop piles! I look forward to sharing more as we get nearer to launch!
Meanwhile, here’s a pic of this lovely plant - I give you Humulus lupulus!
I had no idea the scientific name was Humulus lupulus - such a fun one! I’m going to be saying it all day now…
I have a feeling we re-jigged the order slightly after speaking with our harvest partners, so I think hops may actually be next, but I could be wrong! Will triple check and report back, treehouse
Nonetheless, I am super excited to try this plant!
It’s one of my favourite Latin names
Yes, you are right, hops jumped the queue because of the timing of the harvest of the plant that was supposed to be next!