I dont like the new jurnal ino its ment to be a fun aspect,but it takes to long,and feels a wee bit childish.
We need something that is quick and to the piont i tryed to do my jurnal this morning and gave up . Sorry for the negative post it is the first negative post from me
I think they are looking for honest feedback, when people are paying for the service they will be vocal if they don’t like something so best to know upfront
Absolutely all feedback and suggestions are welcomed into this community ! I personally enjoy the little mood actions they’ve put in place but each to their own
On a much more posirive result,my new pods have arrived.
Looking forward to starting these.
If its anything like the first trial we are all in for a good sleep
I think its the colouring one, it takes so long,
I need something that i can do quick or id soon get fed up, i hope you dont mind me saying
I have very busy days.
Thanks for the feedback @malone.shelley
We had several Pioneers sharing the same opinion so calm journal will be changing shortly. It’s been rethought, developed and currently going through testing
That’s good. I would just like it if the purpose for each question was more evident, or at least resulted in a suggestion for improvement. But if it’s more of a mindfulness tool maybe that doesn’t work. it would be cool if instead of posting the image produced it became your wallpaper for the next week/until the next coloring book entry maybe?
I also cannot see the value of those 6 questions because the answers can be very situation dependent and open to very different individual interpretations.
Of course i dont know how the Sofi people analyse our data but i imagine that it is challenge enough to determine the best combination of plant products to improve sleep length and quality for different individuals. That improvement in itself would be a huge achievement and should have a positive effect on our outlook and other aspects of our lives.
Moving the wheel from disagree to agree is also difficult and frustrating! Sometimes i feel like putting ‘on the fence’ for everything.
I like the bubbles.
I don’t mind the questions but agree on the dial part. The questions make sense to me and I see how they can give a good insight into ones mood. But the colour patterns and how they sometimes blend into nearly nothing and with the dial itself,
make it less appealing.
Also moving the dial is often difficult, probably because it’s so close to the screen edge, where the touch screen doesn’t seem to work so well.
Fortunately for my postie I’m working when they come otherwise I’d be sat at the window by the front door staring out of it in anticipation of their arrival " mrs postie have you got a box of goodies for me ?"
This is really awesome feedback @drmudlark … super grateful to this line of conversation @charliekluf82@malone.shelley@fcjulia@adcockp … as @Kirill suggested we are reworking and reprioritising the calm journal … possibly once at account creation in its current format and then maybe once a week or ten days in a new much quicker format which allows us to see if the plants that target the shared pharmacological pathways of sleeplessness and anxiety are nudging us towards any more calm over time … but definately don’t need to do that so often so adjusting our sofi accordingly