So it didn’t log my all my sprays last night and it’s not logging my ones from tonight either, I pressed extra hard and held it down but still nothing.
Does the cannister only have 70 sprays included or can we go over that?
So it didn’t log my all my sprays last night and it’s not logging my ones from tonight either, I pressed extra hard and held it down but still nothing.
Does the cannister only have 70 sprays included or can we go over that?
Okay I force stopped my app and then re placed the cannister in and it recognised it but it’s still only registered 3 sprays but I’m now at 9 sprays
Each plant pod formulation is 10ml and the pump head moves 140 micro litres (mcl) … or each press is 0.14 ml … so in practice each both should last just about 70 presses.
Hi i have had the same issues until i was at mu door an paired up straight away and now i dont habe any issues or problems at all thank god
@Kaveh i have sogi fixed and its pairing up an registering all my sprays amd i even git 5 an half hours sleep
last night
That’s an awesome bit of progress @sabrinahun … let’s know how stable your sofi remains and in the meantime wishing you a lovely and restful night xx
That’s wonderful @sabrinahun! Please let me know if you have any more issues
Hi everything is fine with me im just wondering as there is only 10 petals on the flowers
do i only so 10 days with every sprays or do i do more as i have 6 out of 10 done because it wasn’t registering properly as i was only getting use to it and couldn’t get it to connect i jabe done the 10 but i will still keep going till the petal is done also what number is after number 2 or do i just do what ever please and thanks
Hi @sabrinahun, good question! After your 10 petals are complete, you can move onto to plant pod of choice - and if you have any sprays left in the end, you can always finish them off after all three flowers are complete
My stick and app have gone back to showing a full cannister and no sprays after eight days of use. Tonight is my penultimate dose I hope the rest of the sprays are registered.
@alexwalkerjones thank you
My first cannister appeared to have about 75 sprays. Last one was about 73. Sadly the final ones don’t register. It counts down from 70 and stops there
Thank you for this feedback @dcm.leeds, we definitely had a few cases of Pioneers reaching less than 70 sprays also, so it’s really interesting to hear the opposite too. Either way, we will certainly work to improve both our filling precision, as well as the sensitivity of our spray counter moving forward so we can minimise this happened again and reflect the content of the bottle as accurately as possible!