Now is the time to yield a sigh

Dear @alexwalkerjones, forgive the title: you’re far too young to recognise Peter Cook and Dudley Moore’s goodbye song! Anyway, it is with some sadness and a measure of regret that I am withdrawing from the sofi experience.
You would be forgiven for thinking that this was as a result of sofi’s recent subscription email, particularly as you will have seen from my previous email that my reaction to the first tranch of sprays was essentially indifferent and from your computer’s analysis that 5 hours’ sleep tends to be the norm for me.
Deciding to try Passiflora was as much because of it’s known qualities as a relaxant and aid to sleep, as a determination to continue with the experiment that has been so kindly offered by sofi.
The other issue behind my withdrawal is simply because I am getting more forgetful and, being the subject of an increasing number of G.P. and hospital appointments, I often fail to regularly record my experiences, as required by sofi’s system.
I feel sure you will understand my decision. Do please furnish me with an address to which I can return the existing sprays and holder.

With my best wishes to you and the Team.


It’s been an absolute pleasure to have you with us on this journey @neatby … and we are working on a feature that may even aid the forgetting of journalling from time to time. So once this is enabled I hope you won’t mind if we reached out to you once more … as always grateful for your patience and love in our development journey @neatby :pray:


Sorry to see you go, take care