Spray not showing after spray?? How do I make it count down sprays
Do you have the app open on the page with the spray count, and do you have your pod close to the phone?
I tend to do a firm spray and then wait until the count decreases on the app (maybe a lag of 1 or 2 seconds) before doing the next spray.
Where ion app is spray count? Sprayed several time still says 70/70
On the top of the first page where it also says ‘journal now’ or ‘journal done’, and it also says if the pod doesnt connect try turning bluetooth off and on.
You could also try turning your phone off and on too as that sometimes helps when things aren’t working as expected.
Until one of the team is around, you could try searching the problem in The Treehouse. Perhaps an answer to other pioneers who have asked similar questions might help.
Hi @Michele - thanks for your post and let’s see what we can do to get you up and running again soon!
As far as troubleshooting the connection with your smart pod, it would be great to understand a bit more about the problem.
Could you please confirm whether you sofi pod been recently charged, as it won’t be able to connect if the battery is low.
Then, what happens for you when trying to pair with the sofi app? Does the correct formulation display on the screen, so that you can watch the spray count go down by one number with each press (69/70…68/70…67/70… etc)?
Of course, if you have a moment to provide a quick screenshot that would be huge help - and also help others who may be experiencing something similar.
Look forward to hearing back and so glad that the ashwagandha has made a noticeable impact!