Pricing or subscription cost

Any idea on what the pricing is likely to be?


Hi @Rhian,

Thanks for your question and welcome to sofi!

We are really only at the beginning of pricing decisions, but we know that they are big ones!

We also know that as Pioneers, our community is at the heart of making sofi possible, so even if we cannot afford to offer the Program entirely free forever, we will do everything we can to ensure that sofi is affordable to those who enabled us to start it all!

Whether that means a lifelong discounted subscription to sofi, or a Program subsidised by the sofi seeds you will earn over the course of your current Programs and daily journaling, we aren’t yet sure!

If you have any thoughts on this, please let us know.

We are also thinking of shortly putting together a Pioneer-wide survey with some preliminary questions to gauge what sort of prices you feel would be manageable from a customer perspective - and this will help us shape our approach moving forward.

Also linking you to another thread in the treehouse in case you fancy adding your thoughts here too: Where would you expect to find sofi? (question to all!)


Definitely up for giving ideas, hopefully get to try the product one day to be able to give the best opinion. Thank you for listening x


Hi @Rhian welcome, at the moment us insomniacs are very grateful that up to now there has been no cost, and i for one would do everything i could to afford what the prices will be, as both passiflora and ashwagandha have helped me enormously, it may be quite pricey, as the costs involved in the sofi stick, the app and the pods are enormous i would guess, but if it continues to help me to get some sleep, i would do all i can to be able to afford it. I hope you get your pebble soon, after your 10 days of journaling, then you’ll get into the next wave, its really helped me, in a time i really needed sleep but didn’t want to take any more drugs, as I’m on a hell of a lot, i was diagnosed with bowel cancer a year ago, sofi has helped me, i cannot prwuse the team enough, they are so helpful, and the pioneers are supportive. I’ll be forever grateful that i stumbled across the sofi trial and that the passiflora and ashwagandha have been a great help with sleep for me.