Quetions and feedback

Hi @alexwalkerjones what happened to the questions that we user to get occasionally that asked us what our sleep was like compared to the last week or so. I foynd those helpful as i could waffle away and give my honest opinion, I seem to remember that they were maybe every 4 to 6 weeks, but i dont remember having anything like that since xmas. I’m excitingly waiting for the ashwagandha trial to land on my doormat. Thanks for all the help the teams given me, its truly appreciated.


Those questions were more frequent than every 4 or 6 weeks (maybe about once a week?) but they only come up while you are using the pods. So they will probably be back when we start the ashwagandha.
At least thats how it was with me.


@MissTQ, @drmudlark is spot on! The extra questions appear as soon as a pod is inserted and they last for the remainder of the trial. We do this as a way to collect additional information on your experience with the plants - while (hopefully) not making the daily journaling sequence too long to adhere to with the extra q’s. :smiling_face::raised_hands:t2:


Good to know, and it’s not a chore, a few minutes a day is a small amount to give, especially if the ashwagandha helps us insomniacs, I’m manually logging sprays if the last pod of valerian, I have a few days left, looking forward to starting a new regime.