Recieved stone but whats it for?

Iv recieved my sofi stone not sure what its for though? And still have not recieved my pen .when will it arrive


Hi @natsdavenpor - welcome to our sofi treehouse and so excited that your sofi surprise made it to you!

The next step is to upload an image of your pebble in your hand via your sofi app. You can do this by heading to the next step of your journey map (by tapping the compass icon along the bottom right hand corner of your app).

Here, you should find a space to upload your image, and complete a couple final steps/milestones so that your pioneer starter pack can be officially reserved and shipped to you at the next program launch!

I hope that helps, and should you have any questions anytime, please reach out! x


Done and hopefully wont take long now to arrive :slight_smile:


It’s amazing that our sofi pebble found you @natsdavenpor snd so excited to have you here with us on this journey. You will also find an incredible community here. They have been huge source of support to propel us to build our sofi exactly as we all love to her to be but also a huge amount of care and support amongst pioneers for each other which has been amazing to be a part of. Welcome on board and with our amazing @alexwalkerjones you’re in great hands :pray:


When will i recieve my sofi pen iv been doing this for a while now and still not recieved it


Evening @natsdavenpor and thx for being here. The product you are helping us develop is not in market yet. Do it means we work with extremely limited quantities and we release in frequently as we are iterating the sofi pod, app, system and formulations between releases. I know @alexwalkerjones has started already compiling the list of the next folks who we are reserving sofi starter packs for … it would be good to find out if @natsdavenpor is on that list. As for when the next batch of sofi pods are released that we will update right there on the treehouse when we have confirmed dates from our manufacturing partner. The main aim at this stage is to journal frequently so sofi has an opportunity to really establish a baseline against which any effect is measured … so the longer you baseline the better and finer sofi will be able to identify any signals of effect. Of course, if it feels like it’s taking too long you can pause anytime and restart when we have visibility to where the next batch are coming. The main thing is we will prioritise consistent pioneers as sofi has a higher chance of making more significant discoveries for them. Let’s see what @alexwalkerjones has to say on your place and for now wishing you a wonderful and restful evening. :pray:

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Hi @natsdavenpor - I can confirm that your Pioneer Pack is now reserved under your name as we received your pebble photo submission! :partying_face: :partying_face:

As we have reached total capacity with our Ashwagandha Program and all current Packs have been assigned to go out, you will be one of the first participating in the launch of our next plant! In addition to new plants, we also plan to send out refills of previous waves, so you’ll likely get a chance to try previous waves over time too!

More information on this coming soon and here anytime should you have any questions!

Kind regards,