Rollercoaster of Hell

Well 2 weeks of no naps as on a contract, functioning on roughly 3 hours of broken sleep every night. Last night absolutely exhausted, went to bed 11pm, read for an hour until I could no longer keep my eyes open. 1.28am, woke up, feeling like I was on a rollercoaster, everything around me was going a 100 miles an hour, disorientated, didn’t know what was going on, head pounding. Took until just after 5am to come round from it. Managed another hour of sleep, only to be woken up by sons girlfriend clattering and banging about. Sat trying to do some work and plans, my head can’t focus, my eyelids feel like lead weights, my brain feels detached, if that makes sense, every movement is just energy I don’t have. I’m not stressed, everything is good in my life. I’m exhausted beyond exhausted. Those that don’t suffer with sleep problems don’t understand. They try, unless you are dealing with it, they can’t. I need to get through this week functioning, then I can crash at weekend, don’t think I can, 14 hour days as on a deadline and I’m brain and body are spent. So think today, I’m going to have to chill if possible, as still have home to run, hubby working away, and 2 kids well 3 if you count sons girlfriend, who’s useless and lives with us, as son in army.

Keep plugging on, that’s what we do. At what point do we completely break.


That’s just it we carry on regardless and no one can understand unless they have lived this I am amazed how we can even keep going it’s so painful I suppose we are made of tough stuff


Sending you lots of energy and strength! May you get through the days, and may you have some relaxing nights ahead!
Take a few deep breath every now and then. Might not help immediately, but it doesn’t do any harm.