Sleep deprived, can i keep going or will i eventually burn out

I cant wait to get mine, hopefully i will be able to sleep. I dont get to sleep until around 5am then im up by 10am. I also get up in between with my dogs. How long can keep going like this.


Hi @Shazmike and welcome to the treehouse! I have no doubt that this is a question many pioneers know well - safe to say that you are not alone! :heart_decoration:

We recently published a blog on the subject “how much sleep do we really need?” which you might find helpful/interesting to read. I’m linking it for you just below:

Of course, we also hope our intelligent bluetooth connected spray can help identify the right plants that work for you, and we thrilled to have you onboard in the hopes we can help you get some more sleep. :slight_smile:

Should you get stuck or have any questions any time, please do not hesitate to reach out!

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