Sofi account access xx

I’ve been trying to set up the pod set Bee kindly sent me to test out before p2 reaches me since my sleep deprivation has been off the charts recently although this week when I wanted to start the spray I couldn’t because I had COVID , yes it finally got me lol. I had a very sore throat and cough so not the best idea to be spraying orally I guess!

So I didn’t get a stick ready made up. mine came in three pieces the shell casing the base/cap tops and the battery. Can anyone guide me as to how the battery goes in and where each cap goes? I can’t seem to figure it out and I’m sure it’s easy .I have but a befuddled sleep starved mind lol

Thanks friends xx


There is a short manual on how to do these things … I am going to send this to @alexwalkerjones and @Kaveh, they can help. Stay tuned and Have a lovely weekend! :slight_smile:


Thanks is so much @Pira :heart:
My weekend will be spent sleep eat sleep eat in no particular order as I recover from the dreaded C word :joy::heart:


Quick recovery @SlimJ1980 xx :pray: addinf @alexwalkerjones so we can support you in recovering access to your account. Have you clicked forgot email and checked in your spam folder (might also want to mark sofi email comms as useful to avoiding them getting filtered).


Yes I’ve checked spam in all my inboxes (3 emails) just in case it went AWOL and still not received a reset password link :disappointed: annoyed with myself for not writing the password down in the secure file I usually do but the passwords are usually saved by my authenticator app so I dunno why my log in and password disappeared and won’t allow me to log in and journal all of a sudden. It’s terribly annoying because I JUST tried the spray for the first time last night and wanted to chronicle my sleep stats !


Oh and oddly I can still get into the treehouse here but not the journal area?
Appreciate any advice you can give me to get my journal back up and running. No point in me using the spray if I can’t give you guys realtime updates is there :flushed: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :grimacing:

I did actually sleep though!
Love to all! :heart:


Have you reinstalled the app @SlimJ1980 ? You will know if you see the little dawn at the bottom of the screen … would be great if you could confirm you are on the latest version as well … adding now @Kirill as well here as he may have some suggestions :pray:


Yup I am, not sure if I was before but I uninstalled and reinstalled just in case .
I have requested my email recovery to get the password and will see if it happens hopefully!


Hopefully, you feel well soon - rest as much as your body needs - take care :slight_smile:


Hi @SlimJ1980, so sorry to hear you’ve been locked out! Unfortunately, when it comes to resetting your password, there’s limited we can do behind the scenes aside from requesting the reset password link ourselves, which I’ve gone ahead and done for you now - fingers crossed that it arrives!

For help setting up your sofi stick, make sure to check out the two treehouse threads: Pioneer Boxes | FAQs and how-to's and Pioneer Box set-up guide! There you’ll also find links to our Pioneer Survival Guide which contains a more in-depth step-by-step of setting up your stick.

We’ll do everything we can get you back into you app asap! :blush: :raised_hands: and thanks so much for troubleshooting this with us in advance x


I had to uninstall and redownload the sofi app but still could not get the email through for my password even though it was the right recovery mail so I had to log in under a different email and being my 10 day hour again…but I still cannot get my p2 stick to pair with the app. I’ve followed the instructions given and I’m not sure why it’s not picking it up? I’ve used it three nights in a row now.
Can’t say I’ve noticed a difference yet BUT lets remember I’ve covid, I’m in the middle of a fibro flare and the painters and decorators are in again. Also I tried valerian in capsule form before and didn’t have much luck, although to be fair in spray tincture format is ten times better than smelly capsule format.
I had a jar of valerian roots capsules and even with the jar long gone the drawers still smells of valerian!!!
I hope when p2 reaches me it makes a difference


Hi @SlimJ1980! Really really appreciate your response here - I’m on a mission to get this resolved beginning with your account details for your previous login. I’m also going to look into what could potentially be preventing this pair and hopefully get us some answers.

Is there anything at all that happens when you attempt to pair? A error message, etc, or just endless searching? And can you confirm that location services are switched on for the sofi app?

Please let me know if you’d be open to a zoom as it might be helpful to get eyes on the issues :blush: Thanks again and hang in there! I’m determined to make this right x


No, it just tells me after asking me to press down on the spray head (lovely random skunk attack :vibration_mode: :laughing: it cannot find it though.
I feel like I’ve screwed up badly :worried: