So Sofi arrived this morning! I have synced the stick ro my phone, but shes having problems with the pods. No1 she registers fine, but no3 registers as no1 and she doesnt recognise no2 at all. I have tried the suggestions on another thread of restarting my phone, and also pressing the button immediately before entering the pod… to no prevail. If i press and hold the green button turns blue? does she need to warm up a bit? Its a bit chilly outside!!
any help would be greatly appreciated!!
@p_hillis its amazing you should have experienced this as I have just come across another pioneer @eveyvandenheuvel whi is having exactly the same issue … we thought at first it might be to do with the bottle caps being wrong in assembly but in her case we have been able to eliminate that … adding @Kirill , @Stephen , @alexwalkerjones , @filipe to this as well. Are any of the bottles right now registering correctly on your app Pippa?
Ps I would start your journey with No1 for now as that is working whilst we see how we can support you on the other two @p_hillis . Thank you so much for feedback. Super grateful
Thank you Kaveh, No1 works so i started on that one yesterday! Done all my journalling for yesterday and got my first petal!! So everything else seems to be working brilliantly!!
Another small question as i have been looking through the threads. Even though i only use sofi twice a day, do i have to keep her with me all the time to stay connected to the bluetooth on my phone? Or do i just make sure she is connected before i start my sprays and journalling?
Only when you are spraying would be great to open the app. Rest of the time you can leave your sofi stick by your bed time or bathroom or coffee table. Just when you are spraying it would be great to take out your phone to open up the app so the time signature of the presses are correctly reflected in the journal. So excited to have you on this journey with us Pippa and can’t wait to see how you and valerian get along! Wishing you a restful night. xx
Hey!! Sorry it has been a crazy week or two so havent been in treehouse much. Ihavent yet had replacement caps for pods 2 and 3. Will they be coming soon? I only have less than 2 days worth of sprays left on no1. I hope everyone is doing great on their sofi journeys.
Adding @alexwalkerjones and @bee here to see what we are doing to help you with the other two formulations … can you confirm what happens right now when you reinsert pods 2 and 3 @p_hillis ?
Thanks for the quick reply. When reinserting pods, its still the same. Pod 2 does not connect at all and pod 3 shows as pod 1.
We have a theory of what may be causing this … the formulation sensors inside the sofi stick are these super sensitive elements on the circuit board. We think if during shipment they were damaged or even had some valerian juice sprayed on them which may have shortened them that could have caused something … can you try something perhaps after you register your last three sprays for tonight?
Can you open the sofi stick, take out the electronic circuit, take out the battery, and the store the sofi electric circuit somewhere warm so effectively it dries out over night till tomorrow when you go to use it next? It might be that we can still rescue your sofi stick by taking out the battery, drying the module for a day or so in say an airing cupboard (warm dry environment), and then trying again. Or it may sadly be permanently damaged … are you up for trying this tonight after your last spray? I am adding both @alexwalkerjones and @Kirill to see if this improves anything and we can then make the same recommendation for two other Pioneers with this problem. If that doesn’t work, we will ship you another sofi stick to continue the rest of your journey Pippa. Adding @bee into this in case we get there tomorrow night when you go to insert the battery back and this doesn’t solve it. In the meantime, wishing you a restful night. xx
I can totally try this tonight. Ill check back in tomorrow when i set it up again. Thank you again.
Hi there! I did what was asked last night. The circuit looks untouched, not sticky or damaged in anyway. Reinserted everything this lunchtime, and still no change. No2 still not reading and no3 still reads as no1. What is the next step?
Hi @p_hillis - thank you for testing that out for us - it really helps us so so much! I’ll add this information to our notes and liaise with @bee in the meantime to ship you another box.
For our investigative purposes, it would be hugely helpful if you could return your current sofi stick and remaining pods to Barry our mechanical engineer so he can potentially problem-solve! I’ll DM you his address
Thats great. Thank you very much.