Hello and good morning
My POS keeps the blue light on permanently whether connected via blue tooth or not. The green light flashes when spraying but not all sprays areg being logged. I have charged up the pod and switched Bluetooth on and off but still blue light stays on. I have never seen a green light so I wonder if there’s a problem with my ‘traffic lights’ somewhere
Best regards
Apologies POS should be pod 
Not to worry @cbryce54 and thank you for these details as they are a huge help in assisting us with a better understanding of any strange behaviour from the pods.
When you say you have never seen a green light, but then mention that the green light shows when spraying - could you confirm which one it is? Technically, the green light should only show when a spray is successfully initiated, so if you do only see one there, that’s a great thing!
Look forward to hearing back and PS you can edit past posts any time by selecting the “…” and then
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Thank you so much for your useful info which is much appreciated. The green light has only started to show within the last two days when spraying and hopefully will continue to do so. Many thanks to all of you working behind the scenes to get Sofi and pods up and running it’s greatly appreciated.
Best regards