Spray not registering properly

I am having the same problems re not registering all my sprays or registering too many. I have also had the bubbles music persisting after closing Sofi app.


Hi @vixhypno, I believe the bubbles issue and any phantom sprays should be resolved as of the beginning of the week. When you have a moment, it would be great if you could check for any update in the App Store - and if not, just log out and log back into the app, and see whether that solves things for you!

Otherwise, I will raise this with our team to have a deeper look into asap :slight_smile:

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Hi Alex,
There wasnā€™t an update last time I looked but I will check now as that was a week ago. On a positive note the Ashwaghanda has made me super calm and zen! People have been remarking on how super chilled I am. Iā€™m a therapist specialising in mental health and teach mindfulness and meditation so Iā€™m pretty calm usually! It has very much helped my ADHD too. Big impact so far in daily life, slightly less on sleep itself. My HRV has gone up though. Noticed many interesting little benefits. Excited!
Thanks, Vic.


Hi @alexwalkerjones Iā€™ve just finished my 2nd ashwagandha pod, but said there were 8 sprays left, but they were only half sprays, if that. Iā€™ve popped my last pod in, which is No2, and its only registering 55 sprays, the No1 pod only registered 62 sprays. Iā€™m not having problems with the app qnd it registers my sprays if i spray slowly, trial and error on pod 3 at the beginning showed i was spraying to quickly. Just wondered why its saying thereā€™s only 55 sprays, not 70. Ashwagandha is helping me to fall asleep quicker, so helpful. Also i hqve some valerian left, after the last pod is finished can i got back to valerian and finish those?

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Hi @MissTQ, thank you for your posting. This is a really good question, and Iā€™m touching base with our app team and engineers to find out whether the spray count for your capsules is related to previous spray counts (i.e. can n.01 affect n.02), or if thereā€™s something going amiss with the capsules themselves, and the data theyā€™re providing to the sofi app regarding number of sprays.

Otherwise, thrilled that Ashwagandha is making a difference for you! Please do feel free to return to your valerian capsules should you have any left, however, please be aware that due to new software in the new sofi pods, the valerian you have will not be able to pair with the pod / be tracked using the app. So they are yours to use freely without the device :slight_smile:

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Thanks Alex, I may try the valerian again after this pods finished, I only have 10 days worth left, I have 5 sprays a night about an hour before bed, so that seems to work well, and I thought Iā€™d have more days worth, but not when the pod is new and says thereā€™s only 55 sprays, if thereā€™s more I will tell you, but the last pod only gave half sprays for the last 10 it showed were left. Thanks for the help.

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