Sprayer won't seem to hold a charge

Not sure what happened but after getting a full charge, my sprayer doesn’t want to hold the charge for even a day anymore. I was able to get 2-3 days off a single charge, but not anymore.

Anyone else having this issue?


I feel quite lucky , I’ve only charged mine twice since I’ve received it :joy: will tag @alexwalkerjones in here for you to look into this :slight_smile:

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Yes wasn’t able to get resolved so I keep it charged alot


Hi @Jow - thanks for your post and sorry to hear that your pod is affected by a rather intense battery drain.

For several units this study, the drain is much greater than we anticipated it would be, so we’re super sorry for the inconvenience! One thing that helps is to remove your formulation capsules when not in use (for example if you only use it in the evening, this will prevent the battery from draining all day before you go to spray), as well as simply charging more frequently.

For Pioneers UK-based we can arrange for a repair job and firmware upgrade which fixes the battery drain directly, but as you are one of our Pioneer testing fragrance in the US, unfortunately it’s not such a straightforward process.

Please let us know how you get along and whether removing the capsules between uses seems to help :sofi_moon: :pray:

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