Subscription cancellation

Has anyone been able to cancel their subscription? I have contacted Sofi numerous times to request this and I haven’t received a response or confirmation.

It’s very weird. I am puzzled

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Just updating my last post. Kaveh has been in contact and confirmed my subscription cancellation. I’m pleased to say that I do have an option to restart again when I’m ready to do so.

That’s good. Did you ask about the Treehouse or what is happening with sofi?

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No, I didn’t. Perhaps I should have :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

Hi, no I didn’t. Perhaps I should have :face_with_diagonal_mouth:


Never mind. You were probably surprised to have contact

I was just relieved as I was getting worried that I hadn’t had a reply. I’m just taking a break for a few months to see how I sleep. And to be honest I’m enjoying not doing the journal everyday. :slightly_smiling_face:

No. Seems pointless if we are never going to get feedback or get to try new herbs. I was looking forwards to chamomile