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I was a bit worried that i may have said too much so … Thank you for your kind and supportive words. :heartpulse: :heartpulse:

It’s very clear that you have spent time reading and informing yourself and I enjoy reading your posts too; you show a great understanding and empathy with others.

Are we in danger of forming a mutual admiration society? :laughing: :joy:

I guess that you haven’t yet had the chance to try the herbal mouth sprays? I gather that the next batch will be Chamomile (I was hoping for hops next which were on the cards - good for dreaming I think). Still, Chamomile should be a good relaxant and I really hope that the sprays will work for you and better sleep when they come around :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Haha, yes definitely!!! :joy:🩷:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Bless you, Thankyou that’s so nice! :speak_no_evil::hugs:

And, no I haven’t yet, but I cannot wait! :pray:t4:
I’m really hoping they help too, as keeping any treatments as natural as possible is so important to me!! And, as u said yourself, I really enjoy learning all about the different remedies plants can provide!! I’m actually also a practicing Wiccan and lightworker, so it all helps with my apothecary knowledge! 🩷

How have you found them so far?
And I promise to keep u updated once I receive my pack 🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽xx


How have i found them? Well, i have tried all 3, first Passiflora (S2) which i can’t remember a great deal about (and at present we can’t see our old data and i didnt keep a separate record) but i had the definite impression that it helped my sleep quality, both getting to sleep, sleep duration and getting back to sleep after waking. I would like to try it again sometime and maybe make my own notes too.

I’ll briefly explain my ‘normal’ sleep pattern. Since i retired i don’t suffer much anxiety (did get stressed before when i was working) but i do find it hard to switch my brain off (a night owl rather than a lark) and can be awake until 5 or 6am quite often. Sleep very inconsistent, from 5 or 6 hours which is not bad, to zero or just 1 or 2 sometimes, and for no obvious reason. I almost always wake up after 2 or 3 hours and take a while to get back to sleep.

Valerian (S1) was next, and interesting in that it seemed to affect Pioneers very differently. The taste was the most disgusting of the herbs although that doesn’t bother me much and it soon fades. Anyway, no pain no gain?!
I have read in here that it really knocked some people out but I’m pretty sure that it had the opposite effect on me - made my brain more active even than usual !!
I think i would summarize it as making me feel quite wired and restless at night when others were zonked out :smile: I suppose that could be due to events last winter but i rather think it was the Valerian

I remember Ashwagandha (S3) better because that was quite recent. It made me feel relaxed and yawn my head off about an hour after spraying and i got off to sleep more quickly. I still woke up after 2 or 3 hours but also got back to sleep more quickly. I did feel more groggy in the morning (shame there is no bubble for groggy as that is quite a different sensation from sleepy or tired!), but no problem with that because it made me feel that the herb had had a noticeable effect. Anyway it wore off once i got my ass in gear! Overall i felt my sleep was improved compared with the months before without any sprays.

After finishing the Ashwa and taking nothing now, i seem to be sleeping better than before joining sofi. Maybe i am learning better habits, or perhaps its the longer days to be able to spend more time outdoors in my allotment and creating a herb garden in a charity Community Garden where I volunteer.
Nothing like fresh air for better sleep!

That was long, but you asked so i thought it was a useful exercise for me too, to sum up the herb effects of all that i have tried. Maybe if anyone else tried to read it they will have nodded off! :smile: :zzz:


I totally agree ! Hence me being quite of late, that and health reasons :joy:


Wow, That’s amazing!!! Thankyou so much for actually going into that much detail, that’s given me a lot to think about! 🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽
I have ADHD and so does my son, so my brain has to be prepared for things, so the more detailed the better!! :hugs:🩷

I have the biggest problem with going to sleep, and like yourself can sit wide awake all night! I have many issues from a previous trauma and also like yourself, cannot switch my brain off at night, which then builds to crippling anxiety! :woman_facepalming:t4:
When I do actually sleep, the quality of it is not great, because I also wake multiple times a night and then struggle to get back to sleep! It’s like I can’t win :woman_facepalming:t4::joy:

I take 200mg of Quetiapine of a night which used to help me sleep, but now, after taking them for 9 years, they don’t have that same effect!
Because of all the prescribed medication I take for different things, I like to keep as many other treatments/therapy as holistic and natural as I can.

That is strange that one had the adverse affect on you isn’t it? :woman_shrugging:t2: Since we have quite similar issues with our sleep, I will have to see how it works on me and let u know!

I’m really glad that you seem to be sleeping better now, whatever it is on here that’s helping you?! It seems like the herbs are not the only amazing thing sofi are providing us with! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:xx


Sorry to hear that @Aaron
Hope you’re okay? :hugs:


Thankyou , I’m getting there , plenty of rest etc and I’m sure I’ll be me in no time again :joy:


Oh that’s good hun, glad to hear it!!
Rest up and take good care of yourself :hugs:🩷


Hello! Maybe you can point me to what I’m missing? There are a lot of threads and it’s easy to miss something, and I was already firmly put in my place for trying to reply in a thread I wasn’t welcome, to hopefully I can find the right one and get things working again :slight_smile:


Bless you, well that’s not nice that’s the experience you’ve had here! @Calluna
I can assure you most of us are friendly! Lol! :hugs::joy:
If u click on the 3 horizontal lines on the top right hand corner of your screen, it should drop down a box on the left of your screen which has ‘Topics’ at the top of the list. Click on this and all topics will be listed so u can look through them all! Any info u need to know as a newbie should all be there for you to read and much more.
Although, something you may not know yet, is that all new pioneers will start off with a limited view of topics/info available, as sofi doesn’t want to confuse or overload newbies with too much info at once!
I just suggest reading as much as possible, and you will gradually be upgraded to a higher trust level, where more info will be accessible to you.
I would start with the top 3 pinned posts, as they have a lot of information that you need to know to fully navigate the app and treehouse community.
Anything you would like to know, but can’t find, just ask and I’m sure the Sofi team or another pioneer will be more than happy to explain :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Hope this helps :hugs:🩷xx


Thank you so much for such a lovely reply :heart:

I’ve been here since August and have wracked up quite a few hours reading but if it’s been a few days between check ins, there can be a lot of posts! Maybe I need to read through some more topics, thank you so much, it’s really awesome to feel welcome :heart::parrot::heart:


Oh gosh, I’m so sorry, that was my bad for assuming you were new?! :face_with_peeking_eye::woman_facepalming:t4::joy:

Yeah, I mean tbh, I only joined a few weeks ago and I’m still finding new things on here, so I just keep reading more every day!
I find it absolutely fascinating :hugs::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:xx

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Hi Calluna, its hard to believe you were not welcome on a thread somewhere. You mentioned aaron elsewhere, but he is a lovely guy, and all the team who reply in the treehouse are very polite and helpful. Perhaps you misunderstood; i hope so.
Anyway, what was it that you would like to be pointed to? I will see if i can help you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I’ll try the same then. Hopefully I can get the app to work again. I worry a lot about doing the wrong thing and I know I accidentally got on the wrong side of @drmudlark in the past when I had wanted to offer empathy to someone struggling with the experience. There’s a lot that’s been said here in relation the cost that is fair and really understandable, although for me it wasn’t the price in the survey, but the bit in it around how affordable it “should” be in relation to other things, and I can understand how that may make it harder for someone who literally can’t afford it, but i’m sure there are lots of conversations around that on here and I don’t want to reply to the wrong thing and make everything worse.

I haven’t been able to get the app for work full stop for the past month anyway, and it’s not a priority for them to fix it, so it might be a while before I could even pay for it, so very much beside the point for me at the moment. Hopefully I can find the right place and don’t annoy anyone trying to sort things out.

Thank you very much, it really means so much for someone to make the effort to be understanding in the way you have :heart::parrot::heart:


You are right, everyone seems so lovely and very welcoming of others, I am sure it is just me. Sorry :heart:


No need to apologise :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Also, you definitely haven’t got on the wrong side of me! What thread / topic was that in? I am unaware of any comment to you, in fact i feel your frustration of not being able to connect fully to the app and wish i could help more, but i am no expert with that and have been fortunate to have had no major issues with connecting.

I am about to go and do something but later i will try and help. It may involve me asking you questions that you already have done, but it might be worth my trying?

We don’t all have to agree with everyone but, i dont remember ever being rude, and certainly not to any individual. If i have, unintentionally, then i should probably stay away for a bit!

I know i said up there ^ somewhere to Laura that i have got a bit irritated / frustrated with some new people who have asked the same question as the one straight above theirs when i see they haven’t tried to read anything - spending less than 2 minutes of reading, some less than 1, so that is probably just the time they took to post. My frustration is only because i take a quite a lot of my time trying to help in here and recently it seems that a few don’t even try to look anything up to help themselves. So, i have tried to encourage people to read at least a little bit of the basics, but that does not apply to you!

It’s not my business to criticise anyone but I’m just human too. Sometimes i can’t face answering the same question for the umpteenth time so i have directed some people to the pinned post in the Treehouse, hoping that others might see that and read a little.
Of course as just another pioneer i am not obliged to try to help but i genuinely like to help people.
But maybe i should probably just ignore those questions and go and do something else :slightly_smiling_face: :upside_down_face:


Ahhhh, bless you!!! @Calluna
No, I’m sure it’s just a case of mis-communication, especially if u say it was @drmudlark, or perhaps like she said, u may have caught her at a bad moment, as we all have those, I’m sure! Lol!
Also I know sometimes I have days where I’m super sensitive, so maybe it was just received wrong, which is so easy when reading messages rather than being able to hear tone and see facial expressions :hugs:🩷:joy:

I really hope this was cleared up for you, as I agree with @drmudlark, we wouldn’t want anyone to feel snubbed or unwelcome here!
We are all here for the same reason, and if anyone can understand what you’re going through, it’s the Sofi treehouse community!
I hope now you’ll feel confident to voice your views and opinions, or ask any questions you have without any anxiety 🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽


I couldnt have put it better myself Asuna. Bankrupt because of the cladding and fire safety scandle Now relying on food bank and soup kitchen so I cant cut any further but knowing there are others out there struggling on a couple hours sleep in a group I can access keeps me sane (sort of :blush:) Stay strong dear lady your kids need you


It was a long time ago, and either around a post where someone was having a bad time using Sofi, or a post calling out people for having a bad time using Sofi.

I have reinstalled the app more times than I can count but I have had another suggestion from the team to try clearing all the app data which I hadn’t been sure was okay so I’ll try that next, but anytime that might help is welcome :heart: it is a very much me problem, I’m just trying to be extra careful to not join in or be much so as not to cause repeat issues but then I go wrong when I need to ask for help cos I’ve already panicked a few times about making people talk to me so do an even worse job. Your help and advice is undeniably an asset to the community here, I very much wasn’t suggesting otherwise!


Yeah of course. I’m sure it was that and just me being over sensitive or warranting that sort of reaction. I totally understand every one can have a bad few days but I also don’t want to dismiss the feedback I get from others as them having a bad day when actually I could have been the only reason they were having one lol the Sofi team did get involved in the post that was a bit pointed and calling out a conversation I was having with someone else about their struggles, but on days I’m not doing well (like at the moment, I lost a family member the day before yesterday) also tends to be when I really wish I could still use the Sofi spray and try to come on here and then only make things worse like this :rofl::rofl: thank you for your on going patience and kindness, I’m sure you will fit in really well with all the truly lovely people here :heart::parrot::heart:

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