Subscription prices

I can very much relate to the proposed cost being hard to afford, and the suggestion of just cutting down on other luxury items definitely makes it harder when that’s not an option.

Unless the app has changed a lot in the past month, one thing that might be helpful, could possibly be the treehouse rewards. We are still in the free trial period, so you would be able to get your first batch of pods for free. During that time you would journal and earn seeds, then hopefully by the time it switches to being something people pay for, you’ve a. Figured out if it works for you, and b. Built up enough seeds to get some more at a more affordable price. If it helps, worst case you have identified a useful plant and could look at cheaper alternative ways of taking it. I’m sure plenty of times it may not feel that way, but there is hope :heart:

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Bless you! That’s really sweet, Thankyou! 🫶🏽
I’m just genuinely happy u feel better about the situation! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Bullying, judging or ostracising in any form is unacceptable, and from what I’ve experienced, the Sofi team has created an amazingly inclusive and safe space for us all here, where every person matters and every opinion is valid :sofijis: :spiritbug: :sparkling_heart:

Also, I’m so sorry to hear of your loss, hope you’re okay?:pensive:
Sending hugs :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

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You’re 100% right, @Calluna
The treehouse is an amazing way to build your seed count/rewards up! I have earned quite a few more seeds just from coming here and chatting with lovely people, where I’ve learnt so much!!! So it’s easy to get yourself a good discount if you’re willing to be an active member of the community! Which makes complete sense!! :bulb:
It’s kind of a no brainer??? :woman_shrugging:t2::hugs:
Wish I could get paid for talking everywhere else!! :joy::rofl::sob:
I’d defo be a millionaire by now :joy::rofl::joy::rofl:


Hi im on universal credit myself and so far have not had any fees to pay. I have only just recieved the sofi pebble and still waiting on the sofi pods not sure when i will get these but i do hope they help me to sleep as i find it difficult to get a good full nights sleep. Could you say what are the fees you talk about.


Hi there , it was a survey to see what would be considered as a good price for subscription etc have no fear though , It’s in a trial phase and will be free for us pioneers during this trial phase, but the seeds you earn through journalling and being a active member in this community will be able to be used in the store when it does become live ( not sure what you’ll be able to spend it on ) but I’m sure the amazing team have something in the works :slight_smile:


Also welcome to the communy!


Thank you for the clarification


Welcome @Dragon1979lord :hugs::hugs::hugs:


Hi Calluna. I’m sorry to hear of your negative experience in relation to a comment you made. I’ve been in a similar situation and its not pleasant being made to feel you’re not welcome or a nuisance. As a result i limit myself to reading and only asking questions if its boring it way into my brain. However, the sofi team themselves are very brilliant, patient and willing to answer any question (however inane they are). I hope you haven’t been put off asking questions and finding out more about your sleep healing journey


Sorry to hear you’ve been made to feel that way also!! :woman_facepalming:t4::woman_facepalming:t4: @lilywong16

The only problem is, even though this is a great community, everyone here is sleep deprived, so we may catch someone having an off day because of that :hugs:
We all just need to take a minute sometimes, and remember not to take anything too personally, or let it ruin the rest of your experience here! 🩷🩷🩷🩷


Welcome to the treehouse @Dragon1979lord :grinning::grinning::sleeping::sleeping:hopefully a better sleep once the pods arrive. Am eagerly waiting for mine


Just a thought to @alexwalkerjones, although it may not be practical …

I can see that subscription makes sense for most of us who feel we could afford it for a good product, not least because the pod also needs to be purchased to provide the interactive link with sofi, so a one-off purchase makes little sense.

But the following suggestion is based on my purchase of CBD capsules to hopefully help with my joint pain. Many of these companies provide a subscription service (for an overall reduction per bottle) and also a one -off. They are expensive so i certainly couldn’t buy both my CBD and sofi every month, but the CBD company have a Sale every so often when they offer bottles of capsules near to their best before date (e.g. 1 or two months before). Then they are reduced from around £35-40 per bottle down to £10 or even £5 if there is only 1 month to go, so i buy them then.

I figure that they are not going to go off overnight on their BB date, or be bad to take (perhaps just a bit less potent ??), and may be fine for a few months more, since BB dates generally have a margin of “error”

The sofi capsules will spray without the smart pod, and although there won’t be any interactive feedback on sleep journalling without the pod and App, i thought it might be a way to both clear any suplus stock near the BB date (if you ever have any) and to also allow people on very limited income to buy the sprays?

Another possibly nutty :face_with_spiral_eyes: idea from me, but i thought it might be worth a thought :thinking: x


This is a great suggestion Sue, and really only time will tell!

Should we find that we do have additional remedies sitting on the lab shelf at any point in time, we will absolutely not allow them to go to waste! They are far too valuable for that in our eyes.

Naturally, as we prepare for our first customer shipments this Autumn (:partying_face: :raised_hands: !! ) there will be a huge increase in the number of variables at play in determining our production speed, harvest quantities, subscription plans, sofi shop items, etc - and no doubt they will all be subject to repeated change! It’s the absolutely beauty and chaos of doing something for the very first time :laughing: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

We promise to continue learning as we go and to always be open to community (team) feedback.


Totally agree with you, these trials must have already cost a fortune.