Valerian and my cats

Started spraying with Valerian, good nights sleep for the first two nights until my cats sniffed the pod out. What I didn’t realise is valerian is a known alternative to catnip and my cats LOVE it. I have had to hide the pod in a drawer as am allowed no sleep otherwise. There are now nightly battles between the cats over which sleeps the closest to me with the prime place facing so they can sniff my breath. Going under the bedclothes is futile. 1, I can’t breathe properly and 2, furry paws are inserted and the covers clawed off me. I can’t cope with the tantrums if I shut them out!

I’m enjoying the sprays however and unlike some quite like the taste.


I just started my valerian lat night and found the exact same thing!! My 2 are going nuts over it (to the point of getting ratty with each other wanting to be the closest lol). My pod is paired with the app but the app isnt tracking the sprays so i sprayed one away from myself to see if it would clock down on the counter as id already had my sprays… it must’ve hit the carpet because 10secs later Annie was upside down rolling about like a dafty on that bit of carpet :rofl::rofl: like you, have consigned my pod to the bedside drawer and acrually quite like the tart grapefruit taste :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: i definitely slept better last night… though I’m a bit foggy this morning as i was up 4 times breaking up hissy fits beyween the girls!! Lol x


All of your cats are hilarious :rofl:
I’m glad my 14 year old cat only had inquisitive sniffs of my Valerian and hasn’t bothered with it since :grinning: He always puts his paws in my face when I’m trying to sleep so I have to make a fuss of him before I can nod off :joy_cat::joy_cat:
I hope your cats lose interest in the Valerian soon so you can enjoy some peaceful sleep :sleeping::crossed_fingers:t2:


I’ve just tried valerian for the first time and one of my cats is VERY interested :joy:


:rofl: too funny! my cat paid no attention to my sprays, however they were not within easy reach of him. never noticed that he liked my breath. however, when i sent the pods back to england for recycling, via my cousin, he said that the cats in his sisters house found the bag and ripped it open!