S3 Pioneer Program | updates

Hi, i had link to new app but was for iphone, went in playstore updated and its not the new app. Help

I had it but for iphone, no android

Same for some of us, but Kirill has just posted that we will be able to get our update soon (see thread for New Look App is Great)

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Hi, i think i have the new app, i updated on Google play,but it hasnt prompred me to confirm address and phone number

Same I updated few days ago on play store, it’s got the bright coloured bubbles now and the flower splash screen, but no prompt to confirm address etc, but got no email yet neither. UK I’m from


@steven25 @Harobed, according to the team, I believe the rest of the new app for particular waves will be going out overnight. We can’t wait to see what you think of it! Keep an eye out - we promise you’ll know when it arrives but it will naturally just depend on your wave!


Thank you Alex, excited

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Hi Alex, there was nothing to ask to confirm email address or telephone number as per yiur previous post.
The only dofference on my app is the flower and the colours of the bubbles.
Is this correct please?
Thank you

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Sorry for any confusion with my previous message @Harobed! There will be around 10 separate waves of the release, with only the first of which going out last night to some Pioneers.

This is being randomized however, so I can’t be sure when your particular wave will occur, but there will be many more features in the new app for you to see - so you won’t miss it when it arrives! :blush: :dizzy:


Hi, oh i thought i was in the first wave.
Thank you

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hi alex can you please confirm that I will be in the first wave aswell? i also have 2 friends that would like to join our amazing pioneers on this journey! how do i refer them? or do they just mention me?

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Hi Alex

Please can you confirm I’m on the list for the 3rd program ?

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I’m excited to be part of this, and look forward to trying s3.
I’m confused as to when it is coming out. Is it November 2023?
What sort of USB cord do we need? To my understanding there are different types of connections. I want to be ready. :+1:t3::two_hearts:
Right now it is after 1:30 AM and I can’t sleep so I’m reading through some of the treehouse
I’m excited about the possibilities and thankful and honored to be part of the Pioneer Program!


I am in the same boat and have not tried any yet either. The thought of a good night’s sleep on a regular basis is amazing.


You need a USB C @kathrynruthcollins … do you have one? :pray:


@Kerry @Harobed @snoble131 - hi! You three are all good to go for the first wave of our Program. We’re just waiting on some final bug fixes to the app (tagging @Kirill for further updates here), before we can collect your address in our new system and mail your pioneer packs out!


Hi everyone,

We’ve started rolling the new app out on Thursday/Friday night but encountered several issues. App itself is in a good shape ( :pray: ) but we’ve been switching many systems at once to make sofi more scalable.

Our dev team has been working hard the whole weekend to make the release happen asap. As @alexwalkerjones mentioned, we’ll be releasing app in waves to make sure the transition is smooth and your Pioneer data is safe. This should be happening over the next several days.

Can’t wait for you to see it (and get your feedback).

I’ll update you here again shortly!

Product/Engineering Manager @ sofi


Hi @kathrynruthcollins! It looks like you recently reserved your Pioneer Pack (congratulations and super thrilled to have you onboard!). We’ll be launching an initial wave of Pioneer Packs this month, however our next batch shouldn’t be too far behind (more sofi pods are in production now!)

Simply keep up the brilliant journaling work to ensure that you are at the top of the next wave! x

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I just checked and it looks like the type my husband has for his phone so I have at least one in the house. Thank you!


Thank you, I am very excited to try it. I’ve had problems with sleep since I was a child and right now I’m thinking that I could be autistic and I’m currently in the process of getting on an assessment waiting list with NHS.
I think that when I am overstimulated, I just can’t sleep no matter how tired I am. So it will be really interesting to try the new batch.